Then, for children, there are congenital cataracts, which are mainly caused by genetic and intrauterine infections that may occur during pregnancy, resulting in abnormal lens development and turbid lens after birth. This is the cause of congenital cataract. Then there are metabolic cataracts, mainly patients with diabetes and hypocalcemia. Because of abnormal glucose metabolism, abnormal blood calcium metabolism and disorder of lens cell metabolism, turbidity is formed, which is metabolic cataract. Then there is trauma. After trauma, the integrity of the lens and its structure is directly destroyed by external forces, leading to cataracts. There are also medical reasons. For example, we may need to take some hormones commonly used to treat some rheumatic immune diseases and skin diseases all the year round.
Another kind, called radiation cataract, is that there are some people who have special jobs and may be exposed to radiation for a long time, such as X-rays or gamma rays. Cataracts can also occur in this case, as well as solar cataracts. For example, living in Tibet, where the light is very strong all the year round, the incidence of cataracts is very high, so this is the cause of cataracts, and there are various reasons.