If the nostril is not big and the alar is too full at the back or the upper part of alar groove, a skin incision at the alar margin can be made along the front edge of the lateral foot of alar cartilage. Steal the skin from the alar cartilage below it, remove the swollen soft tissue on the cartilage surface, and then appropriately remove the upper and lateral parts of the alar cartilage; Then, in the nostrils. Cut off a diamond-shaped vestibular skin and nasal mucosa on the inner side of the alar base, and cut off excess adipose tissue. Finally, the incision on the edge of the nostril is sutured with the incision on the inner side of the base of the alar.
If the alar is wide and the nostril is wide, partial resection of alar base and nostril reduction can be performed cautiously. The incision is located at the base of alar and the lower part of alar sulcus. Under local anesthesia, part of the full-thickness tissue of the alar base was properly removed, and then the nostril was rotated inward to narrow and sutured intermittently in layers.