List & lt List & lt String > >? _ results? =? New? List & lt List & lt String & gt& gt ();
List & lt string & gt? _ use;
int? beginIndex? =? 0;
int? Count? =? List. Count;
int? Me? =? 0;
What time? (me? & lt? Count)
_ use? =? New? List & lt string & gt ();
_ use. add(list[begin index]);
For what? (me? =? beginIndex? +? 1; ? Me? & lt? List. Count; ? i++)
What if? (conversion. ToInt32(list[i])? -? Conversion. ToInt32(list[i? -? 1])? ==? 1)/When you say continuous, you mean that the difference between two values is1,right? No, just change the differences yourself.
_ use. Add (list [I]);
_ Results. Add (_ use);
beginIndex? =? Me;
Return? _ result;