1. Li Zheng has always given it to herself, but Wang Fang loves herself and even Li Zheng loves her. Li Zheng and Wang Fang met through blind date. Li Zheng also fell in love with Wang Fang at first sight, but Wang Fang did not refuse or accept it. When Li Zhengzheng gave up, Wang Fang took the initiative and lasted for two years. Wang Fang proposed to get married.
At this time, Li Zheng also understood that Wang Fang didn't really love herself so much, but she was still very happy. She is also very concerned about her mother-in-law, and will give gifts on holidays. Later, after Li Zheng's mother-in-law became ill, Li Zheng also took care of her.
Through this incident, my mother-in-law has a much better attitude towards Li Zheng, and Wang Fang has a much better attitude towards Li Zheng than before. Later, after Li Zheng's mother fell ill, when Li Zheng wanted Wang Fang to take care of her, Wang Fang filed for divorce because she didn't want to take care of her mother-in-law.
In fact, from the process of two people falling in love, we can see that Wang Fang doesn't love Li Zheng, at least not as deeply as Li Zheng loves her. Wang Fang is selfish. Even though Li Zheng was so kind to her and her mother, she still chose to give up the divorce when Li Zheng was in trouble, just to not take care of Li Zheng's mother.
Second, the other person's love for you is not the reason for your willfulness, otherwise you will lose each other sooner or later. Wang Fang has always been loved by Li Zheng, which makes her think too highly of herself and become selfish. This also made Li Zheng thoroughly see Wang Fang, so Li Zheng and Wang Fang divorced. At the same time, Li Zheng's mother's condition has also improved greatly.
Li Zheng later met a girl who fell in love with him, but Wang Fang was still beating around the bush. She could never find a man who cared more about her than Li Zheng. I can only say that when others love you, you don't cherish it, and it's too late to cherish it after you lose it.
Marriage is no joke. If you don't love each other, you can tell them earlier, instead of leaving when they need you after they have paid so much for you, so selfish lovers won't care.
Third, marriage needs to pay for each other, otherwise there will be problems sooner or later. Both love and marriage need two of a kind, not one person's efforts. It's like a balance. At least two people's love can't deviate too much, otherwise something will happen sooner or later, which will easily lead to one party being loved without fear, and then knowing how to cherish you.
Therefore, lovers should actually find the right person, because some people will have results if you don't love her hard. Their hearts are made of stone. No matter how good you are to her, she still thinks only of herself at the critical moment and will not consider you at all.
When you love others, you should also see whether they love you or not, or whether you have enough ability to love her all the time, so that you don't want her to pay anything for you at all, otherwise problems will occur sooner or later.