Chinese food etiquette:
Generally speaking, the head of a family banquet is the elder with the highest seniority, and the last seat is the lowest. In a family dinner, the chief guest is the most respected guest, and the guest host is the last one. The director can't sit until he's seated, and he can't start until he starts. When he was on a wine tour, he began to respect the chief executive in order before drinking.
What's more, if someone comes to report it, no matter what identity, the people at that table should all rush out.
If it is a round table, the host and guest facing the gate are 2, 4 and 6 on the left hand side and 3, 5 and 7 on the right hand side until they meet.
If it is a square table, if there is a seat facing the gate, the right seat facing the gate is the host and guest.
If it is not facing the gate, the right seat on the east side is the chief. Then the chieftain sits on the left hand side 2, 4, 6, 8 (facing 8) and on the right hand side 3, 5, 7 (facing 7).
If it is a large banquet, the arrangement between tables should pay attention to the upper, middle and lower, with 2, 4 and 6 seats on the left and 3, 5 and 7 seats on the right.
According to the identity, status and intimacy of the host and guest, sit separately.
Western etiquette:
The seat at the same table depends on the distance from the host's seat, the right is high and the left is low, and men and women sit cross.
Western etiquette
1. Identify the knife and fork on the dining table.
A set of authentic western tableware includes: butter knife, bread plate, appetizer knife and fork, main course knife and fork, soup spoon, dessert spork, red wine glass and white wine glass.
Place napkins correctly
The napkin should not only be placed on the leg, but also folded in half, and the crease should be close to yourself. When leaving the table temporarily, put the napkin on the chair or press the corner of the napkin with a knife to let it droop. Never hang it on the back of the chair or put it back on the dining table.
3. How to use a knife and fork
If you really can't remember the purpose of the knife and fork, just remember that the order of using the knife and fork must be from the outside to the inside. Also, when using a knife and fork, you must not use "brute force". You have to use the power of your forearm to cut food, so that the knife and fork are basically at a 90-degree angle. If you leave the table halfway, the knife and fork should be placed in a figure of eight with the fork back facing up, which means "I haven't finished eating". When the fork is facing down, it means that the meal is finished, and the waiter will come and take away the plate. If you are full, you should put the knife and fork side by side on the right side of the plate, with the fork backward and the knife on the right side of the fork.
Take food with both hands.
When you take food from your plate, be sure to use both hands. Take a baked potato, fork in your left hand, spoon in your right hand, and put the food on the plate. Don't fork food directly into the plate, it's very impolite.
Step 5 eat soup and bread
The soup is very hot, so don't blow through your mouth. The function of scooping the first spoon is to "detect heat". Generally don't scoop it too full. Spoons should be scooped from the inside out. When there is not much soup left, you can gently tilt the soup plate outward.
When eating bread, don't pick up the whole bread and put it in your mouth. The correct way to eat bread is to tear it into small pieces by hand and then put it into your mouth slowly.
6. Main course etiquette
Cut the steak from the left. When eating fish, be careful not to turn the fish upside down after eating the fish above, but pick off the whole set of fish bones with a knife and fork first, and then eat the fish below. When eating lobster, the first step is to insert a knife between the shrimp shell and the shrimp meat to peel it off, and then take out the shrimp meat and slice it slowly for enjoyment.
7. fruits and desserts
Eating ice cream cake should start from the edge in front of you, and if it is a triangular cake, it should start from the top. After a meal, fruit is usually a piece of fruit after peeling and removing seeds, which is very convenient to eat. If melons are peeled like honeydew melons, they should be peeled first and then cut into small pieces to eat.
8. Others
It is polite to drink cocktails. If you can't drink well or don't know something on this occasion, the pink girl or Daikiri will ensure that you won't get drunk and lose your manners.
When drinking coffee, milk tea or lemon, don't put sugar directly into the cup with your hands. The correct way is to put the cube sugar into the teaspoon first, and then put the teaspoon into the cup, so as to ensure that it will not spill. After using the teaspoon, it is polite to put the teaspoon horizontally outside the saucer.
When you go to a western restaurant or coffee shop, you should put your handbag between your back and the back of the chair. It's unsightly to put it on your desk or leg.
In western table manners, men are required not to finish eating before women finish eating, so women who are used to slow heating should pay attention to adjusting the dining speed properly and don't let men wait too long.
I hope I can help you.