Name of applicable plant growth regulator
Prolonging dormancy of storage organs, fresh elements, sodium naphthylacetate, methyl naphthylacetate.
Gibberellin, kinetin, thiourea, chloroethanol and hydrogen peroxide for breaking dormancy and promoting germination.
Gibberellin, 6- benzylaminopurine, brassinolide and triacontanol for promote that growth of stems and leave.
Indobutyric acid, naphthylacetic acid, 2,4-D, Bijiu, paclobutrazol, ethephon and 6- benzylaminopurine promoted rooting.
Paclobutrazol, Youkangzuo, Chlormequat, Bijiu, Pixar, Triiodobenzoic acid, Qingxian and Fenxiuning, which can inhibit the growth of stem and leaf buds.
Promote the flower bud formation of ethephon, Bijiu, 6- benzylaminopurine, naphthylacetic acid, 2,4-di and chlormequat.
Inhibition of gibberellin formation in flower buds and regulation of phosphine.
Naphthacetic acid, carbaryl, ethephon, gibberellin, indanate and 6- benzylaminopurine are used for flower and fruit thinning.
2,4-Di, naphthylacetic acid, chlorfenapyr, gibberellin, chlorfenapyr, Bijiu, 6- benzylaminopurine.
Paclobutrazol, chlormequat chloride, ethephon and Bijiu prolonged the flowering period.
Ethephon, naphthylacetic acid, indoleacetic acid and chlormequat chloride were induced.
Induced production of gibberellin
Preservation of cut flowers: aminoethyl vinyl glycine, aminoacetic acid, silver nitrate and silver thiosulfate.
Gibberellin, 2,4-D, anticonvulsant, naphthylacetic acid and 6- benzylaminopurine were formed in seedless fruits.
Ethephon promotes fruit ripening for a long time.
Delaying fruit ripening 2,4-d, gibberellin, Bijiu, kinetin, naphthylacetic acid, 6- benzylaminopurine.
Anti-aging 6- benzylaminopurine, gibberellin, 2,4-d, kinetin.
Paclobutrazol can increase amino acid content, resist falling and reach inda.
Improve the contents of protein, clomazone, simazine, atrazine and naphthylacetic acid.
Increase sugar content, increase phosphonomethyl, adjust phosphonomethyl, Pixar.
Long-term promotion of fruit coloring, indac and paclobutrazol.
Increase fat content, naphthylacetic acid, fresh elements, plastic elements.
Abscisic acid, paclobutrazol, Bijiu and Chlormequat can improve stress resistance.