もう世かないこと知ってたのにKnowing that I couldn’t receive it
「会いたい」とメッセージ燗ていた but left a message that I want to see you
绮丽なままの情志いていた leaves behind a gorgeous love affair
phantom Junと and you who turned into a dream
Monogatari はずっと続くはず だったのにObviously the story will continue forever
private だけforever をdrawingき続けた but I am the only one left sketching it
I wanna be in touch with you I want to be with you You are together
I wish we will be forever I hope we can be forever
The restraint of the place and the waiting for you will always be waiting for you at the appointed place
Hitomi を closes じたら「ごめん」と君の closes the eyes and seems to hear you
声がhear こえた気がした is saying sorry to me
してdesire しかった There are many things I want to accomplish
思いさえうまく言えないままI can’t even express my thoughts correctly
一丝にあの日见てた远く空が Let’s watch that day together Looking at the distant sky
The distance between two people today is the distance between two people. Unexpectedly, it is the distance between two people now
I wanna be in touch with you I want to be with you Together
I wish we will be forever I hope we will be forever
Ichiban Hoshi asks the stars in the sky
Time 戻すのか Will time go backwards or forward?
Kun にもう once met うなら and you, if I can still meet you
立ちstop まる道の wall の下书き I will leave your name on the wall at the end of the road
君の名前 residualした
里れてもそれぞれのアルカディアを见つけて行こうEven if we are separated, I am also pursuing my ideals