Is the repair operation after general plastic surgery failure expensive?
& ltp> Simply put, the price of the first operation of the same site may be half that of the repair, but some of them are different, mainly depending on what kind of project it is. & lt/p & gt; & ltp> If it is an eye repair operation, assuming that the previous double eyelids cost 6000 yuan, the price of the repair operation will generally be more than 10000 yuan. If it is a simple double eyelid repair, then the repair price is still relatively low. & lt/p & gt; & ltp> But if the problem is more difficult and the situation is more complicated, the price should be doubled, and some may be three or four times higher. & lt/p & gt; & ltp style = \ " text-align:center \ " & gt; & ltimg src = \ "/uploadfile/image/20210604/1622798592502801.jpg \" title = \ "Zhang Zhiyuan Fei Xia Grammy double eyelid repair effect \" alt=\" height = \ " 468 \ " border = \ " 0 \ " vspace = \ " 0 \ " style = \ " width:500 px; Height: 468px \ "/>; & lt/p & gt; & ltp> Generally speaking, plastic surgery is needed in the case of scar hyperplasia. It is necessary to consider how to redesign and complete the operation on the basis of releasing the original scar hyperplasia skin, which has very high technical requirements for doctors. & lt/p & gt; & ltp> Even if the repair technology is relatively good, the repair price is relatively expensive for less famous doctors. If it is a well-known big coffee level, the repair price will rise. Therefore, it still depends on specific projects and specific maintenance conditions. & lt/p & gt;