Examples; For your reference, is there an external interruption? Just write down the program to be executed after you interrupt in the external interrupt function. It's that simple. The duty cycle and period of PWM can be set by the initial value of timer register.
//ICC-AVR? Apply? A builder? :? 2009-09- 1 1? 19:02:05
//? Target? :? M8
//? Crystal:? 8.0000 MHz
# Contains? & ltiom8v.h & gt
# Contains? & ltmacros.h & gt
Invalid? Port_init (empty)
PORTB? =? 0x00
DDRB=? 0x00
PORTC? =? 0x00? //m 103? Output? only
DDRC=? 0x00
Porter? =? 0x00
DDRD=? 0x00
//TIMER 1? Initialize? -? Prescale: 64
//? WGM:? 0)? Is it normal? TOP=0xFFFF
//? Desire? Value:? 1 ms
//? Actual? Value: 1.000 ms? (0.0%)
Invalid? Timer 1_init(void)
TCCR 1B? =? 0x00? //Stop
TCNT 1H? =? 0xFF? //Settings
TCNT 1L? =? 0x83
OCR 1AH? =? 0x00
OCR 1AL? =? 0x7D
OCR 1BH? =? 0x00
OCR 1BL? =? 0x7D
ICR 1H=? 0x00
ICR 1L=? 0x7D
TCCR 1A? =? 0x00
TCCR 1B? =? 0x03? //Start? timer
#pragma? Interrupt handler? Timer1_ OVF _ ISR: iv _ Tim1_ OVF
Invalid? Timer 1_ovf_isr(void)
//TIMER 1? Really? spill over
TCNT 1H? =? 0xFF? //reinstall? Counter? Tall? value
TCNT 1L? =? 0x83? //reinstall? Counter? Low? value
#pragma? Interrupt handler? int0_isr:iv_INT0
Invalid? int0_isr(void)
//External? Interrupt? Open? INT0
//Talk? This? Routine? Where to? Initialize? All of them? ancillary equipment
Invalid? Initialize device (invalid)
//Stop? Go astray? Interrupt? Until? Settings? up
CLI(); ? //Disabled? All of them? suspend
port _ init();
timer 1 _ init();
MCUCR? =? 0x00
GICR=? 0x40
Timsk? =? 0x04? //timer? Interrupt? source
SEI(); ? //Re-enable? suspend
//All? Peripheral? Is it? Now? Initialized
Invalid? Major (invalid)
init _ devices();
//Insert? Yours Functional? Code? here ...
I suggest you read the information of M 16 carefully? About timer and PWM? This is irreplaceable by others.
Output comparison register 1A? -? OCR 1AH? With what? OCR 1AL
Output comparison register 1B? -? OCR 1BH? With what? OCR 1BL
16? Bit timer/? Description of counter register? T/C 1? Control register a? -? TCCR 1A
T/C 1? Control register b? -? TCCR 1B
TCCR 1A is used to select the mode? Details depend on information. Too much information?
TCCR 1B frequency division selection
Such as TCCR 1A:
7? 6? 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? 0
COM 1A 1? COM 1A0? COM 1B 1? COM 1B0? FOC 1A? FOC 1B? WGM 1 1? WGM 10
Among them? draw