In addition, they have two rare types: the attack rabbit with white fur and bright red eyes, and a black-and-white rabbit named "Toast". Black rabbit is a rare rabbit, which is aggressive to all players. Its coat color is white, its eyes are blood red, and unlike the vertical eyes of ordinary rabbits, the eyes of killer rabbits are horizontal.
It won't be generated naturally, but you can summon ~ {rabbit type: 99} by command/summon rabbit (small killer rabbit is/summon rabbit ~ ~ {rabbit type: 99, age: (negative number)}).
If the killer rabbit finds a player within the radius of 15, it will jump to the player quickly, much faster than the ordinary rabbit. It's a bit like a spider's movement. Once it approaches, it will rush to the player, causing considerable damage. If the player attacks the killer rabbit, it will run away for a while, and soon it will rush back to the player.
If it can't find a player, the killing rabbit will actively look for and attack the wolf (tamed or untamed). Those wolves will attack the killer rabbit in turn, which will lead to a fierce battle. Therefore, it is wise to take a few wolves with you when fighting the killing rabbit. Whether they are tamed or not, they will help you deal with the killing rabbit.
In peace mode, the killer rabbit is aggressive, but it won't hurt the player. It also attacks wolves (tamed or untamed). Toast is a rabbit that appears when rabbits brush strange eggs. It is named "Toast" by a famous brand.
The material of toast is similar to black-and-white rabbit, with black stripes around the face. Its face is darker than ordinary black and white rabbits. Toast behaves like an ordinary rabbit.
Actually, toast is just a piece of skin, not a kind of rabbit.
The skin of this rabbit came from the suggestion of a user in reddit. His girlfriend lost a rabbit named Toast, and the game official added this skin to commemorate this missing rabbit.