FilePath = App。 path
FileNamel = FilePath & amp" BeforeSort.dat "
File name 2 = file path & amp" \AferSort.dat "
For I = 0 to 9
If Text 1(i)。 Txt = ""and then' set Textl control array, that is, copy and paste at most 10 textbox.
MsgBox "Please enter a real number with serial number" &i+ 1& "!" , vbCritical vbOK0nly, "warning"
outlet connection
If ... it will be over.
Open the file name 1 for 0, and the output is # 1
For i = 0 to 9
Print # 1,Val(Text 1(i))。 Text)
Close # 1
iTask = Shell(file path & amp; "\ sort.exe", vbhide)' execute the project to ask the price, and then download the sort. Exe (look at the name, like a sorting program).
P handle = openprocess (synchronize, false, itask)' get the handle of sort.exe process.
Ret = waitforsingleobject (p handle, INFlNTE)' get the implementation of sort.exe.
ret = CloseHandle(pHandle)
"Richtextbox1.loadfilefilename2, rftext" displays the sorted contents in richtextbox.
Generally speaking, this is not a complete code.
Missing sort.exe, missing api declaration part.
It is impossible to execute directly.
In addition, there are cases where 1 and l are not divided in the code.