# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# include & ltconio.h & gt
# include & ltprocess.h & gt// main interface
int jm()
int x; Printf ("This is a simple calculator, which can complete the operations of+,-,*,/of two numbers \ n");
printf(" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \ n ");
Printf ("\ t \ t * * * * * * main menu * * * * * * * \ n ");
Printf( "\t\t 1, addition \ n ");
Printf( "\t\t2, subtraction \ n ");
Printf( "\t\t3, multiplication \ n ");
Printf( "\t\t4, division operation \ n ");
Printf( "\t\t5,exit \ n ");
printf(" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = \ n ");
Printf ("Please enter the operation to be performed (the data entered is between 1~5) \ n");
scanf( "%d ",& ampx); If (x! = 1。 & ampx! = 2 & amp& ampx! = 3 & amp& ampx! = 4 & amp& ampx! =5 )// Control the input to ensure the input is correct.
Printf ("You typed it wrong! Please re-enter \ n ");
fflush(stdin); //Add this sentence to empty the input buffer. Otherwise, the characters will remain in the buffer.
scanf( "%d ",& ampx);
} returns x;
}//addition function
int jiafa()
int a,b,c; Printf ("You are currently adding \ nPlease enter the two data you want to calculate (please separate the two numbers with spaces when entering) \ n");
Scanf( "%d%d ",&i, & b);
c = a+b; Return to c;
}//subtraction function
Int jianfa ()
int a,b,c; Printf ("You are currently performing subtraction \ nPlease enter the two data you want to calculate (please separate the two numbers with spaces when entering) \ n");
Scanf( "%d%d ",&i, & b);
c = a-b; Return to c;
}//Multiplication function
Int Chengfa ()
int a,b,c; Printf ("You are currently performing multiplication \ nPlease enter two data to be calculated (please separate the two numbers with spaces when entering) \ n");
Scanf( "%d%d ",&i, & b);
c = a * b; Return to c;
}//division operation function
Floating chufa ()
Floating a, b, c; Printf ("You are currently performing division \ nPlease enter two data to be calculated (please separate the two numbers with spaces when entering) \ n");
Scanf( "%d%d ",&i, & b);
c = a/b; Return to c;
}//main function
int main()
int x; x = JM(); And (x! = 5 )
Switch (x)
Case 1:
Printf ("Result: %d\n ",jiafa());
Case 2:
Printf ("Result: %d\n ",jianfa());
Case 3:
Printf ("Result: %d\n ",Chengfa ());
Case 4:
Printf ("Result: %f\n ",chufa());
} printf ("\ t \ t \ tpress any key to return to the main menu! \ n ");
System ("CLS"); x = JM();
If (x == 5)
Printf ("Welcome to use this software! Thank you. Bye! ”);