The second thing is to be able to play the role that cos likes. In order to put on that cos suit, I forced myself to lose 15 kg in a month. Because it is this easy-to-fat constitution itself, that is, the constitution that will get fat after drinking a little water. It is conceivable that it is difficult to lose 15 kg in this month. But in the end, I finally got what I wanted, and finally put on that cos suit before the comic exhibition began.
The third thing is to buy cos clothes, save money every day, do not buy milk tea, do not buy snacks, and finally bought my dream cos clothes at the end of the month. It may be easy for many people not to buy milk tea or snacks, but it is difficult for me because my mouth can't be idle for a moment. So, I endured a month without snacks and milk tea, and finally I could buy a dream dress without eating soil.
Another is to shave a big bald head for a favorite character of cos. It's okay if it's a boy, but I'm a girl. This seems incomprehensible to many people, but for me, being able to cos out the soul of my favorite character is something that can make me happy for a long time. As a result of shaving my head, I wore a wig for a whole year.