How to get the position specified by the string in lr and change the string to int type?
1# Let me write you a more complete one. char string[] = " 12,345,67,8,9 "; Character separator [] = ","; char * tokenchar totle[ 10]; Intstring _ to _ inttoken = (char *) strtok (string, delimiter); //If (! Token) {lr_output_message ("Tag not found in string!" ); return(- 1); } while (token! = NULL) {// Also return valid token strcat(totle, token); Token = (char *)strtok (null, delimiter); //Get the next token} string _ TO _ int = atoi(totle);); LR _ output _ message ("string (12,345,67,8,9) is converted into integer: %d\n", string _ to _ int); Result after running: Run Vuser ... and start iteration 1. Let's go. Let's go. Action.c (29): the string (12,345,67,8,9) is converted into an integer: 123456789 to end the action. End detail 1. End Vuser ... for reference only, I hope it will help the landlord.