# Contains? & ltstdlib.h & gt
# Contains? & ltmath.h & gt
int? main(int? argc,? Charles? **? argv)? {
Invalid? print_num(long? No.);
print _ num( 123456);
Return? 1;
Invalid? print_num(long? Number)? {
int? Numbers? =? floor(log 10(abs(number)))? +? 1; //? Find the number of digits of an integer
int? Array [number];
int? Me? =? Numbers? -? 1;
What time? (Numbers)? { ? //? Extract each number (starting with one number) and store it in an array.
array[i]? =? Number? %? 10;
Number? /=? 10;
For what? (me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? Numbers; ? i++)? { //? Print the numbers in the array.
What if? (me? ==? Numbers? -? 1)
printf("%d ",array[I]); //? The last number does not need to be separated by commas.
Or what?
printf("%d,?" ,? array[I]);
} The output result is: