According to Baidu Health Query, men's buttock therapy, that is, physical therapy for men's buttock, is a physical therapy method that uses essential oil, moxibustion apparatus, meridian brush and other instruments to massage the buttock. Can achieve the effect of losing weight, but also dredge the meridians of the body, so that the body can achieve a brisk phenomenon.
Male hip therapy can relax hip muscles to a certain extent, dredge meridians, promote blood circulation, and also relieve lumbar muscle tension, fatigue, dizziness and psychological pressure, especially suitable for sedentary people. If hip therapy is combined with pedicure, the effect of relieving male constipation, hemorrhoids and edema of lower limbs is more obvious. In addition, men with low back pain, sciatica, hemorrhoids, dysuria, etc. Can be under the guidance of a doctor, professional physiotherapy institutions for hip treatment.