Mandibular angle osteotomy: The incision started from the upper lateral side of the occlusal plane of the anterior edge of mandibular ramus, and cut the mucosa periosteum along the buccal side of vestibular sulcus to 5mm of mandibular first premolar. The subperiosteal separation technique was used to expose the middle and lower segment of mandibular branch, mandibular angle and the posterior part of mandibular body. According to the preoperative design, a small round drill was used as a marker, a long-handled round drill and a pendulum saw were used for arc osteotomy, the outer plate and part of the inner plate of the mandible were cut, and the rest of the bone connection was chiseled with arc bone. Separate the attachment of medial pterygoid muscle, take out the mandibular angle completely, and polish the osteotomy line until it is smooth and flat.
In order to ensure the rapid recovery after mandibular angle osteotomy, it is necessary to ask a beautician to do all relevant nursing work in the recovery period after operation, such as wearing a neck and jaw cover on time after operation, and avoiding food, spicy food, beef, mutton and seafood, alcohol and tobacco.