To prevent moldy leather shoes, they should be soaked in less water, oiled more and kept clean and dry. When shoes are not in use, they should be cleaned in time. After putting on leather shoes, dust should be wiped off with cloth or soft wool, and the gap between heel and shoe body can be removed with a pointed brush. Wipe some toothpaste or a few drops of vinegar when cleaning shoes, and at the same time wipe with shoe polish, which can increase the brightness of leather surface. After storage for a period of time, take it out for ventilation and wipe it again to prevent mildew.
In order to prevent moldy leather shoes, the soles of leather shoes should also be sorted out in time. Finishing the soles of leather shoes, first remove the soil and coat it with oil to keep the soles soft.
Proper storage of leather shoes can prevent leather shoes from becoming moldy. And before storage, it is best to apply lard (or pigskin rub) or vegetable oil to protect the skin from wrinkling. At the same time, put shredded and crumpled old newspapers into shoes to prevent deformation. Don't shine your shoes after shining them. Put the newspaper in your shoes, and then put it in a shoe box. Put 2 anti-mildew tablets in the box and put it in a dry environment. If it is in rainy and humid areas in summer, it is best to seal the collection with plastic bags. Never expose to the sun or blow dry with a fan, otherwise it will easily cause the leather shoes to deform, the leather surface to harden or the surface coating to fall off. Maintain and maintain leather shoes regularly to keep them bright and moist.
If it continues to be moldy, it may be that the humidity in the leather shoes collection is too high. So you'd better pay attention to the location of the collection.
During the storage of leather shoes, sometimes white, blue-green, tan or taupe frost appears on the surface. This cream may be oil cream, salt cream, or mildew cream, also called mildew spot. These are the reasons why leather shoes are moldy. What about moldy leather shoes?
Ointment is mostly white powdery oil exudate, which is due to the fact that the high melting point stearate contained in animal skin itself has not been completely removed, or excessive stearate has been added during leather processing. During the storage of leather shoes, purses and their products, especially in cold weather, these substances can easily seep out of the leather surface and form ointment.
The method of treating moldy leather shoes with ointment is to press the moldy leather shoes for a period of time, which will make the ointment on the leather shoes melt and disappear.
Salt frost is due to the fact that soluble salt substances used or produced in leather manufacturing process can not be completely washed off before drying, but still remain in leather. When leather shoes are dried or placed, a layer of gray frost oozes from the surface.
The treatment method that salt frost makes leather shoes moldy can generally be wiped with a wet cloth. Salt frost is easy to wipe off, but it will still appear soon.
Moldy spots are caused by leather shoes, purses and their products containing grease and stored in damp and unventilated places. When the air humidity is high and the temperature is high, mold spores are infected, which leads to mold growth. The blue-green or gray-white or yellowish-brown frost formed on the leather surface may also be suede.
Moldy spots make leather shoes moldy Wipe it off gently with alcohol solution. When they are dry, carefully coat them with shoe polish and store them in a dry place, and add mildew inhibitor.
When wearing leather shoes, you should also prevent mildew. If you wear sweaty shoes, you will always be wet. In order to prevent moldy leather shoes, you can sew two small cloth bags as wide as shoes. Fill it with dry lime, and then sew the bag mouth to death. After taking off your shoes every night, put the lime bag into your shoes to keep them dry and prevent them from becoming moldy.