But many stars have friends from Wang Sicong. On one occasion, Wang Sicong sent a circle of friends during the New Year, saying that as long as he was given a New Year greeting, he would be given a 666 red envelope with pictures inside. Many people got the 666 red envelope, because Wang Sicong was not short of money at all, so everyone believed it.
After that, Wei Liu sent a New Year greeting to Wang Sicong. I didn't expect to receive a red envelope, but it was 66 yuan. Liu Wei was puzzled at that time, wasn't it 666? Why is he only 66? And gave Wang Sicong an 88. See if this red envelope can remind Wang Sicong.
However, after sending an 88 red envelope, there has been no response. Later, Liu Wei knew the answer. She sent her blessing to Wang Sicong and got a European beauty, a red envelope of 666. She didn't notice this. In the end, she stole the rice, didn't get the red envelope, and took a 22 yuan.
"Poverty has limited my imagination." This sentence tells the voice of many migrant workers, and how many people can't help feeling this way. However, some people are born with a golden key, and they don't have to worry about food and clothing all their lives. They never have to look at the price when they buy things.
Who can you think of when you mention such a rich second generation? I believe most people will think of Wang Jianlin's only son, Wang Sicong. His fame is not lost to the first-line big-name stars, and his every move, known as the "husband of the national name", has attracted everyone's attention.
A female netizen shared a video of Wang Sicong personally frying rice in the street on the social platform. The netizen also wrote, "Husband fried rice, welcome to enjoy."
Wang Sicong was wearing a black coat and a hooded cowboy coat, and a group of bodyguards stood behind him. Although he is frying rice, he has not lost his aura. I don't know why, Wang Sicong actually stood on an empty street and started cooking.