Etiquette one
During the Tang and Song Dynasties, offering sacrifices to heaven was a heavenly ceremony, offering sacrifices to land was a local ceremony, and offering sacrifices to ancestors was a human ceremony. Therefore, the "Book" cloud makes Boyi three gifts for me, so Mirren's heaven and earth, longitude and latitude, yin and yang, distinguish between faint holes and deep holes, connect all gods and save everything. Yin got some profits and losses because of Xia, and only gave lectures to persuade students. Shang Xin had no way, and Zhang Ya was wiped out. Duke Zhou saved the chaos, was gentle in temperament, worshiped ghosts and gods with auspicious ceremony, mourned the country with fierce ceremony, treated guests with courtesy, punished traitors with military ceremony, and married a good family with courtesy, which was called the Five Rites. Therefore, it is said that "the ceremony is 300 and the dignity is 3,000, and those who have not entered the house and have not left the house". Success and health are allowed, but punishment is unnecessary. Since the death of the dog, the affection for Zhou has weakened, the ceremony has lost its joy and the wind has faded. I made a wax figure guest in advance and sighed: "Qiu has ambition, and Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, and are rude." Therefore, courtesy is fun, and you want to keep disadvantages. If you abandon it, you can't do it. Therefore, when the country is destroyed, the ceremony must be abolished first. Zhao Gong married Mencius and kept his surname secret, while Yang Hou cheated on others. Therefore, if the marriage ceremony is abolished, there will be more lewd crimes. This group of people drank and ran away, but they didn't know their postal service. If the ceremony of drinking in the countryside is cancelled, the prison for fighting will be complicated. Duke Lu rebelled against the five temples to offer sacrifices, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stopped for three years. If the funeral ceremony is abolished, the feeling of flesh and blood will be thin. The princes sent a letter to the emperor, and the fifth uncle called the king to Heyang, abolishing the ceremony of appointment, so the invasion of the mausoleum gradually began. Qin annexed nine countries with victory and returned to Xianyang with all the ceremonies. Only use it to respect the monarch and restrain the minister, thinking it is timely. As for concession, it begins with a step, loyalty and filial piety stop at being moved, Chinese leaves flourish, and Hong Xian is rejected. If a dog abandons the road, if Zhang Fu swims, the Confucian scholars will have no way, and the poem will become smoke. Emperor Gaozu not only suppressed the Qin rebellion, but also punished Xiang Yu and rewarded the founding father at the beginning, but did not control the dynasty. Ministers drink alcohol to win merit, or draw a sword and hit a column, and Gaozu suffers from it. Uncle Sun said, "Confucianism is difficult to make progress, but it can be kept." So please stand up and make a promise at the ceremony and say, "I can do it." A little courtesy, everyone knows the right track. If our ancestors are both civil and military, and our eyes are full of troubles, they are afraid. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty carried out the canon system and loved magic. As for offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods, he didn't come back. Ancestors' ancestors revived, and Ming Di compiled the memorial, worshiped Mingtang, attacked the crown, went to the funeral platform, watched the clouds, and pleased people at the right time. And the imperial court * * *, it is old, or because of the luck of Shengping, or it was lost in the year of drought. However, and heaven remains our neighbourhood, charming, there must be human feelings, the ceremony will be changed. Yin and Zhou dynasties are different, Qin and Han dynasties are different. As for the custom of brightening, how can modesty be respected? There is only Dai Song in the mountains, and there is truth in Hai Ruo, decorated with a trickle of dust, so that it will not be lost. Gao Tang was born in "Shi Li", also known as Yi, who was generous and whitewashed. It is called the beauty of the world, and it has its own festivals. Huang Chu's definition of courtiers was detailed, and the absurdity was eliminated from the beginning, so he prepared Song Shu.
Wu Liang began to organize Confucianism and cut it into a grand ceremony. Li Ji is a mountain-clearing guest, and he is fiercely cultivated. The military ceremony is Lu Lian, the guest ceremony is greeting, and the ceremony is Sima Yi. The emperor also ordered Shen Yue, Zhou She, Xu Mian and He Tong. Someone who knows the details. Chen Ping Jianye, more accurate to Liang Jiu, still wrote to Jiang Dezao, and his members include the regular riding team, doctor, and Liu. Or because of his actions, he chose to act at any time. Later, he left servants to shoot Yang Xiuzhi, Shangshu Yuan Xiubo, Hongyi and doctor Xiong Ansheng. In Zhou Ze, Su Zhe, Hu Bian, Yu Wenbi and those who are used to etiquette even wrote down the national code, thinking that it would serve the times. High-impedance ordered Niu Hong, Xin and others to collect notes on the beams and vessels of the Northern Qi Dynasty, thinking that the Five Rites were clouds.
"Li" said: "Everything is based on the sky, and people are based on their ancestors, so they are worthy of God." Qin people think that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is incomplete, while Confucian people keep what they see and do. A cloud: at the end of the year, the number of sacrifices to heaven is nine, and at the age of one, the number of sacrifices to land is two. Yuanshan and Fangze are three years. During the years of Yuan Qiu and Fangze, there were nine places to worship heaven and two places to worship heaven. There are eight sacrifices in the sky; The land is impassable, and Fang Ze's sacrifice is immortal. This is where Zheng Xuezhi lives. There is a cloud saying, "There is only heaven, but there is no emperor of the five essences. Two sacrifices a day, the altar is the only one. The sacrifice of the dome is the sacrifice of the southern suburbs and the southern suburbs, not the dome. From south to south, there is a sacrifice to heaven, and in spring, there is another sacrifice to heaven to pray for agriculture, called the second sacrifice, and there is no other day. The spirit welcoming at five o'clock belongs to Taidi, who worships the five elements, not worshipping heaven. Heaven is called emperor, also known as God, and also called emperor. The Five Elements Emperor can also be called God, but not Heaven. Therefore, at five o'clock, welcoming the spirits and offering sacrifices to Tang Ming by combining literature and martial arts are all sacrifices to the emperor, not to heaven. This is the place where Wang Xuezhi lived. Liang Chen went to the Sui Dynasty, and all the discussants were teachers, and the suburbs and hills changed each other.
The southern suburb of Liang is an altar, which is in the south of the country. It is 20 feet high, with an upper diameter of 1 1 foot and a lower diameter of 18 feet. There are four doors outside. Often old and northern suburbs. In the first month of the lunar calendar, Xin sacrificed a special cow to the emperor's god to cooperate with the emperor's assessment of Emperor Mao Wendi. The gift was made by Cang Bi. The five gods, the gods of the five senses, Taiyi, Tianyi, the sun, the moon, the five elements, the twenty-eight nights, Qiu, Xuanyuan, Wenchang, Beidou, Santai, the old man, Fengbo, Sikong and Thunderstorm are all worshiped. Its twenty-eight lodgings and rain lords have fences, so do the five emperors, and the rest are flat. The utensils are made of pottery and the seats are made of straw. Tai Shigong set up a firewood altar in 200 AD, and the emperor borrowed the Wanshou Hall to prepare for the ceremony by jade chariot. After the ceremony, I changed my clothes and returned to the crown. The northern suburb is the square altar in the northern suburb. Ten feet above, twelve feet below and one foot high. There are four sides. It's heavy outside Years old and southern suburbs. In the first month, Xin took a special cow, who was dedicated to the God of the afterlife and matched with virtue. This ceremony is to make money with Huang Cong. The gods of the five senses, Xiannong, Wuyue, Yishan, Yueshan, Baishishan, Huoshan, Lu Wu, Jiangshan, Hayes, Sidu, Songjiang, Huijijiang, Qiantang and Wang Si, all worship. Taishi built a bank and buried it.
After three years in prison, Zuo Cheng and Cao Wu said in their opening statements: "Biographically, the suburbs should be behind beginning of spring." Shang Tong suggested: "Today's suburban sacrifice is to repay the merits of the past year and pray for blessings this year. Therefore, we should take aspirin at the beginning of the year instead of detaining beginning of spring one after another. As for the dome of Zhou Dong, it is very popular. Summer is in the suburbs, praying for farming, so it is embarrassing. It has been two years since Jintai, and Yuan Qiu and Fang Ze are both in the second suburb. It's a suburb that I didn't know until today. It's both a ceremony and a prayer. Not limited to one way. " The emperor said, "The dome is for heaven, and the first farmer prays for the valley. But as far as Yang is concerned, it is also in the suburbs. On the night of winter solstice, the soul of the sun starts from Jiazi, which is not only a sacrifice to heaven, but also suitable for winter solstice. When praying for the valley, you can follow the ancient times and you will stab. In a suburban altar, it is divided into two sacrifices. " Naturally, the solstice in winter is called worship to heaven, and the opening of thorns is called prayer valley. Comrade He started again: "The case was filled with six Yi people, covered with paintings, and their ornaments were ready, and they applied to the ancestral hall. Today, in the northern and southern suburbs, there is a class in Yi Zhu, which is both good and quality, that is to say, it is suitable for another one. " Dr. Akiyama suggested that "Watch Record" said that the son of heaven cultivated, prospered and served the gods ",which covered the hall with bare ears. Suburbs should not be naked. "The emperor followed it. Another division thought that after the sacrifice, the utensils and mats were returned to the library. Please burn them according to the rules. Tong Zhi and others discussed: "The case of the Book of Rites" and "The Burial of the Disadvantages of Rites". I buried it after using it today, which is expensive and embarrassing. " The emperor said, "I suggest that light things, pottery and cheap utensils be returned to the state treasury to restore filth and evil." But we buried it and called it the four-time ritual ear. "Naturally, starting from the discussion, burn it. In four years, Tong Zhiyun said: "Zhou Li' Heaven says God, and the earth says nothing'. Today is not called God or Earth. The title of heaven should be called the throne of kings, and the title of earth should be called the throne of queens. In addition, the agarwood used in the southern suburbs is very suitable for Yang. The northern suburbs are harmonious and close to people, and it is appropriate to add miscellaneous incense. " The emperor followed it. Ming Shanbin said for five years: "Pray for the imperial edict, worship heaven in the week and worship the earth in May. Yin built an ugly Temple of Heaven in June and dedicated the land. In summer, Yin Jian worships heaven, and in July, he worships the earth. Since the Qing Dynasty, Xia Zheng has been used in the northern and southern suburbs. "A more detailed discussion. Shanbin thought that the two instruments were respected together, and the three dynasties celebrated the beginning. Today, there were two suburbs. And please welcome the five emperors in the suburbs, all with their ancestors. Besides, with the blessing of the suburban temple, only the emperor will worship again, and tomorrow the spirit will come down. I beg to differ. " A letter and follow the discussion. In the past six years, the discussants thought that there was a seat in Yuezhen and a seat in the northern suburbs, which was suspected to be annoying. "Hope is not a name. How can you be detained in Du Yue in Xinghai?" Ming Shanbin said: "Shun Dian said,' Looking at the mountains and rivers'. "Spring and Autumn Biography" said,' Jiang, Han, Ju, Zhang, the hope of Chu is also'. Now there is Yuehai Town in the northern suburbs, which blasphemes the gods and looks around. It is annoying and should be saved. " Xu Mian said, "Du Yue is the ancestor of mountains and rivers. As for the significance of worship, it is not limited to Yue blasphemy. Looking around is righteousness. " After a long discussion, I can't decide. Sixteen years, something happened in the northern suburbs, and the emperor reconsidered. So he played eight seats in Wang Si, Songjiang, Zhejiang and Wuhu provinces. Among them, where are the mountains and white stones and the land? In the past seven years, the emperor took one offering as the quality and three offerings as the text, and the way of heaven was unreasonable, which was discussed in detail. Dr. Lv Zhi, Ming Shanbin, and Ma Wei, a litigator, believe that "three sacrifices of Zongzi, righteousness and courtship, are God-given, the Lord is in the emperor, righteousness and reason, and the permission is offered." Since the sacrifices of heaven and earth have been offered, it is too comforting to save, so I will not offer them, and finally I will offer light. Wang Chong, a monk in Taichang, said, "The Five Sacrifices are located in the northern suburbs, so it is not suitable to rebuild the dome." The emperor said, "There are five elements in heaven and earth, which should be followed." Chong monk said, "The rain teacher is also good luck and good luck. Now the southern suburbs worship the dustpan and the two stars, and worship the wind Lord and the rain Lord, fearing to worship the code. " The emperor said, "Ji and Bi are the names of 28 lodging houses, while Ji and Bi are the names. Two sacrifices are not an exaggeration. " In the eleventh year, Mao died, and there was only one sea in the northern suburbs, two suburbs and one vein, filled with sacrifices. He also made a shrine under the altar in the northern and southern suburbs, and learned that it was white grass. Discuss it in detail. Eight performances: "Li" said, "Look at the things in the world, there is no virtue", then you know the embarrassment of suburban worship, which is unreasonable. Using imperata, there is no ceremony. The emperor of heaven sits on the ground and knows that the suburbs are righteous. "So I moved to Suwa and set up a four-world seat in the northern suburbs. Under the Five Emperors, please recommend it to Pu as a gift. Another emperor said: "The gift of' offering the moon to Korea' means that the moon is good. Today, the five emperors are gods, more in the camp. The Book of Rites also says that "the altar of the sun and the ridge of the moon are sacrificed", which is not a farewell sacrifice, nor is it limited to the suburbs, so the ridge of the altar should be set from yin and yang. The southern suburbs represent Yang and the northern suburbs represent Yin. Both clouds are yang, but righteousness and yin are different. Stars, the moon and sacrifices are not obstacles. "Eight seats said:" The righteousness of the five emperors cannot be detained. Good to the Qi Dynasty dome is small and steep, and there is no place to calm down. Today's mound is very big and easy to take. Please know that the five emperors' seats on the altar stop at 28 nights, Chairman Waiyu. "Nature is the northern and southern suburbs, there is no place. In seventeen years, the emperor was the Emperor of Heaven, who respected the altar and was inferior to the bottom. Besides, the emperor died in the southern suburbs, and their five emperors have no memorial halls, so don't bother to reset them. In the suburbs, there are twenty-eight nights without twelve days, which is a lack of righteousness. So in the southern suburbs, in addition to the five emperors' sacrifices, twelve Chen seats were added and built in their own place for 28 nights.
Chen is also in the middle of the year. In the first month, Xin led a special cow to worship heaven and earth in the southern and northern suburbs. In the first year of Yongding, Emperor Wu meditated and repaired the southern suburbs. The altar is 20 feet, 25 inches high and 10 feet wide, and firewood burns all the way to the sky. In the first month of next year, the southern suburbs will have something to do, and the Emperor Gao De will match it. Except for the twelve Chen seats and the five emperors, the rest will be the old ones. In the northern suburb is the altar, which is one foot five feet high and eight feet wide. With the emperor's Zhao, Liang Lao is also allowed to worship himself. In the Wendi family, the southern suburbs were replaced by Gaozu, and the northern suburbs were equipped with the Kaiser. Dr. Tai Zhong, a great master and photographer, said: "In the past, Liang Wudi said,' The number of days is five, the number of places is five, and the five elements are all over the world. "Therefore, in the northern and southern suburbs, there are five sacrifices. I pressed "Zhou Li": "Blood Sacrifice to the National Five Sacrifices". Zheng: "Yin worship begins with blood, and qi stinks in qi. The Five Sacrifices are also the gods of the five senses. "The five gods dominate the five elements and turn to the earth, so they are the same as the burial vice. It is neither smoke nor firewood, which has nothing to do with Yang's sacrifice. Therefore, he said,' Zhou Jue has five classes, and the Buddhism has five elements.' The five gods are located in the northern suburbs, and the dome should not be reset. "The system said," yes. Heng added: "Say" send "and" bi "are the names of the twenty-eight lodging houses, while" wind "and" jade "are the names of" send "and" bi ".They are either stars or stars. So the suburbs are sacrificed. The official case "Zhou Li" is a big official:'? Sacrifice to the commander-in-chief, commander-in-chief, wind master and rain master. "Zheng Zhongyun:' Shi Feng, Ji Ye; "Rain God, Bi Ye," the poem says, "When the end of the moon comes, it will be torrential." In this way, Fengbo and Lord Rain are dustpans and dustpan stars. Now, in the southern suburbs, two famous men, Ji and Bi, have been sacrificed, and peace has been sacrificed. I'm afraid I'll be good at sacrifice. The system says, "If there is a star position in the suburbs, leave." While enjoying and playing, he said, "Liang Yi's notes say,' One contribution is quality, and the other three are writing. It's natural, so I won't give it three times. "Official case" Zhou Li Si Zun said that three sacrifices were given to Zong, while Zheng Zhu said that "one sacrifice was given to a group of small sacrifices". Today, it is unreasonable for Wu Liang to sacrifice to the God Emperor with a small ritual. What is beautiful depends on the quality of words, and the gift of worship is based on piety. Today, all the things that are sought for worship in the suburbs are allowed to be in the Sect, and the three sacrifices are also allowed. "The system said," According to the discussion. " Abolish the emperor, with the northern suburbs of Zhao Hou. And Xuan Di acceded to the throne, with the humble northern and southern suburbs, the discussion is more extensive. Long and indecisive. In the eleventh year of Tai Jian, Wang Yuangui, the ancestor of Shangshu, put forward:
Before that, in Huang Tu, the altar of God was five feet in diameter and nine feet in height. Houtu altar is five feet square and six feet high. The altar in the southern suburbs of Liang is eleven feet in diameter, eighteen feet in diameter and seven feet high. The altar in the northern suburb is ten feet high, twelve feet low and one foot high. Today, the altar in the southern suburbs is ten feet wide and two feet five inches high, and the altar in the northern suburbs is nine feet three feet wide and one foot five inches high. Today, it is proposed to increase the diameter of the altar in the southern suburbs by 12 feet, which will be a great number. The diameter is 18 feet, which is one third of the benefit from the hall, two feet seven feet high and three times nine feet high. Ten feet above the altar in the northern suburb makes the land righteous, and when it is fifteen feet down, it also takes two points to benefit one, and one foot and two feet high, which is twice as high as that of the Han family. "Book of Rites" says: "For the highest, it must be due to the hills, and for the lower, it must be due to Chuanze. Because famous mountains ascend to heaven, because auspicious land is in the suburbs. " Zhou Guan says, "When winter comes, the temple is on the dome of the earth. Summer is coming, and the land is sacrificed to Fangshan in Zezhong. " The Sacrifice Law says: "Burned wood is a sacrifice on the altar. Being buried in Thailand is also a sacrifice. " "Ji" says: "Don't worship the altar, sweep the floor and sacrifice." As far as its quality is concerned, this is also to repay the merits of this incident. Erya also said: "Mountain, the word is not made by people." There are two hills in the ancient circle, which were sacrificed because of what they saw. There are no lofty figures. Later generations moved the capital with things and established suburban sacrifices. There may be a scenic spot but it is not a hill, or there may be a hill that has not been cleaned extensively. Therefore, there are building methods and instruments for making rulers. Fools say that the suburban worship is heavy, the two hills are round and narrow, and there is no clear text, but the five emperors do not follow each other and the three kings do not attack each other. Today, I will talk about the difference between Han and Liang. The three generations of altars are different, and the feet are added as before. Listen to the purport.
Shangshu servant shot me, Zuo Hu Shangshu Minister Yuan Rao, Zuocheng Minister Zhou Que, Scheeren Minister Xiao Chun and Yicao Chen Lang Shen Keqing all agreed with me. The letter was used accordingly. Later, I had no intention of having fun, added old Confucianism and learned, and gradually died. As for the death of the DPRK, nothing has changed.
After the Qi system was established, the round mound was once every three years, and it was called the emperor's sacrifice. The dome is located in the southern suburbs of the country. The wide wheel under the mountain is 270 feet, and the wide wheel on the mountain is 46 feet and 45 feet high. 30%, 15 feet high, high level 2, one position on all sides, and eight positions on the lower level. Three steps from Wednesday and fifty steps from autumn. From the middle to the inside, from the outside to the middle, 25 steps on each floor. They all go through eight doors. It is also a foreign camp with a width of 370 steps. Its camp is 12 feet wide and 10 feet deep, with a door on all sides. It is also a meteor altar, outside the middle of the river, the third place on the hill. The ship is thirty-six feet wide and three feet high, and each side has its own characteristics. Fang's altar is in the northern suburb of China. Wide wheels are 40 feet high and 4 feet wide, with different shapes. There are three ridges outside, wide, narrow and round. Outside the camp, this round is 320 steps. The camp is 12 feet wide and 10 feet deep, with a door on all sides. It is also a ridge of the altar, one foot wide in the middle and two feet deep. The dome is decorated with pale jade and silk. In the first month, it was dedicated to the gods in the sky, accompanied by Emperor SHEN WOO. The emperor of the five essences worships himself in the back hill. All faces are inward. The sun, moon, five stars, Beidou, Twenty-eight Nights, No.4 Middle School, Siming, Witch, Lu Si, Shi Feng, Rain Lord and Ling Xing are all in summer and autumn. This is the position of the stars, and they have moved inside. Share the wine of Cang Sheng. On the eve of the festival, Qiu Gao Temple and Chen Yuan were buried in the temple. The first emperor offered, Qiu Ya offered, and Guanglu finally offered. Situ offered five emperors, the sun and the moon, five stars, and twenty-eight nights. Tai Changcheng has recommended the stars. Fang Ze tied silk and silk together, and on the day of summer, he cut it with the emperor Kunlun and gave it to the empress Wu Ming. The gods of China are Sheji, Daiyue, Yizhen, Huiji, Yun Yun, Tingting, Mengshan, Yushan, Yishan, Yiyue, Huoyue, Hengzhen, Jingshan, Neifang, Dabie Mountain, Mayuan, Tongbai, Pei Wei, Hua Yue, Taiyue Town and Jiwei. Minshan, Wugong, Taibai, Heng Yue, Wuyushan, Yinshan, Deng Bai, Jieshi, Taihang, Langshan, Fenglongshan, Zhangshan, Xuanwu, Gushan, Fangshan, Goushan, Narrow Longshan, Huaishui, Donghai, Surabaya, Yishui and Hippo Chef. Its Shenzhou is located in Jiayin, north of Qingbi, west of Chibi, and south of Jibi. Self-sufficiency and introversion have their own ways. A total of twelve sacrifices were made, and the instrument was the same as the dome. Later, Confucianism held a ceremony and the dome was changed to a winter solstice cloud. Its southern suburbs and northern suburbs are one year old, all in the first month. The southern suburb is an altar in the south of the country, with a wide wheel of 36 feet and a height of 9 feet. For the sake of three steps, the inner step has gone to the altar 25 times, and the middle step and the outer step are as different as the inner step. There are doors on all sides. For a camp far away from the outside world, it takes 270 steps. The camp is ten feet wide and eight feet deep, with a door on each side. It is also the third meteor altar outside the river, with a wide wheel of 27 feet and a height of 1 foot 8 inches. The spirit of offering sacrifices to the emperor was revered on the altar, which matched the emperor SHEN WOO. There are four graphical user interfaces for the ceremony, and the coins are square. Its god and his companions each have a special sacrifice, and its instruments are the same as the dome. The altars in the northern suburbs are like those in the southern suburbs, and the altars are like Fang Kan Ze, where the gods of China are enshrined and the Empress Wu Ming is equipped. The ceremony used two Gui You to match a mansion, each with a yellow sacrifice, and musical instruments such as the northern suburbs.
After Ji Zhou in the Zhou Dynasty, the form of sacrifice mostly depends on "ritual". The palm of your hand is made of an altar, with a dome of 30%, one foot two feet high and two feet deep. The upper diameter is six feet, ten have two steps, and every ten have two knots. In Qili, a suburb of Yang Guo. The diameter of the circular runway is 300 steps, and the inner runway is half. Ten percent of the square, one foot down, six feet eight feet in diameter, five feet up, four feet in eight directions, one step down, ten steps up and one foot up. Fang Qiu is in a suburb of six miles in the country. The mountain is 10%. In all directions, it is less than ten feet, six feet and eight feet square, more than five feet and four feet square. Step by step, step by step. It has eight faces, with a diameter of 120, and half of them are inside. The southern suburb is a square altar in the south of the country. Its worship is one foot two feet and its width is four feet. One hundred and twenty steps, half inside. China altar is one foot high and four feet square, on the right of Fang Qiu in the northern suburb. It looks like a square hill. It offers sacrifices to the dome and the southern suburbs and is celebrated in the first month. The dome is decorated with its ancestor Yandi Shennong, and the gods of heaven are also attached to it. The five gods, the sun, the moon, the inner official, the middle official, the outer official and the stars are all worshipped. The emperor was riding a chariot, carrying a veil on his back, and ready to hit the road. Those who sacrificed in advance all put on clothes. In the southern suburbs, ancestors gave Houmona a sense of imperial spirit. In the northern suburb of Fang Qiu, Shennong matches the land behind him. China will provide Humona with. It uses a sacrificial system to worship the gods, the emperor and the five emperors, the sun, the moon, the five stars, the twelve sceneries and the five senses, each with its own square color. The ancestral hall is yellow, the country is black, the sacrifice is pure, and the appearance is pang.
Gaozu was ordered to have a new system. This is Xin Yan's appointment ceremony. He ordered the son of the country to provide wine. Because the dome is located in the south of the country, and the road outside the Sun Gate is two miles to the east. Its hills account for 40%, and each one is eight feet and one inch high. 20 feet wide, 15 feet wide, 30% wide, 10 feet wide, 40% wide. In winter, the god Hao was enshrined on it, which was matched by a five-yuan emperor. Five gods, the sun, the moon, five stars, 42 inner officials, 136 second officials,11foreign officials, and 360 stars are all worshipped. The sky, the sun and the moon are in the second place in the mountain, the five stars of Beidou, the twelfth lunar month, Hehan and Neiguan are in the third place, the twenty-eight nights and Guan Zhong are in the fourth place in the mountain, the foreign officials are in the inner corner and the stars are outside. For its sacrifice, God and Pei Di each used two calves, the Five Emperors and Sun Moon each used a calf with four colors, and the Five Stars each used nine sheep calves. Fangshan is fourteen miles north of Miyagi. When the mountain is rebuilt, it will be five feet high, ten feet low and five feet high. On the day of the summer solstice, the emperor was sacrificed to it, which matched Mao. Shenzhou, Yingzhou, Jizhou, Rongzhou, Shizhou, Zhuzhou, Yingzhou, Zhouxian, Yangzhou, Kyushu Mountain, Hai, Chuan, Lin, Ze, Hilly, Fenyan and Yuanji all worship. The earth and the emperor were on the altar with yellow calves. Shenzhou Kyushu lies between second-class and eighth-class places: southeast of Shenzhou, south of Yingzhou, southwest of Jizhou, southwest of Rongzhou, west of Shizhou, northwest of Zhuzhou, north of Yingzhou, northeast of Zhouxian and east of Yangzhou, each with its own color. The mountains and seas of Kyushu have fallen, and each depends on eight sides. There are fewer mountains, hills and graves in Jizhou than in the west of the altar, plus nine sheep jackals each. The southern suburb is an altar in the south of the country, one mile west of the Sun Gate and ten miles away from the Palace. The altar is 7 feet high and 4 feet wide. Meng Chun wrote a letter, and the shrine felt that the emperor was angry with him, and Emperor Mao Wuyuan arranged it. Its ceremony is that each of the four Gui You has a mansion, and two calves are sacrificed. Meng Dong, a northern suburb, offered a sacrifice to the God of China. One ancestor was not accompanied by the Emperor Yuan. Two calves are given to animals. All the officials of big sacrifice and fasting were sworn in in Shangshu province in the morning. Four days of fasting, three days of fasting. The day before the sacrifice, the water leaked for five minutes during the day. I went to the place where the sacrifice was made, took a bath, wore bright clothes, and could not smell decay and crying. Haotian God, Five Gods, Sun and Moon, Imperial Land, Shenzhou, Ancestral Temple, etc. They are all big sacrifices, while the five sacrifices and four views are Chinese sacrifices, while the middle, commander-in-chief, wind Lord, rain Lord, stars and mountains and rivers are small sacrifices. Great worship and cultivation, at the age of 90, at the age of 30, at the age of 10. If the color of the sacrifice is difficult to prepare, listen to the solid color. Those who pray for the sacrifice will not lift it. Sacrifice, not fight. If he dies, bury him.
At the beginning, influenced by Zhou Chan, the emperor was afraid that Tang Yuan would not be satisfied, so he said more things to show off. If this plan is artificial, it is impossible to defeat it. On the solstice of the winter in the first year of Renshou, Kannonji in the southern suburb was placed on the altar as a meditation ceremony in the position of Emperor Tiandi and Emperor Wudi. Board yue:
In the first year of Wei Renshou's life, he was unlucky at the age of 20. His successor, the Emperor of Heaven, was determined, and he dared to tell the Emperor: Xuan Ji runs and Daming arrives in the south. I am blessed by heaven, blessed by spirit, blessed by land and nurtured by people. Gu Wei is thin and weak, and his morality is not smooth. He is too worried at night to be lazy. The spirit of heaven and earth, restoring tin and Hugh, the mirror of the region, shows the eyes and ears. He began to climb the pole, got a map of turtles, moved the capital to Dingding, and came out of the ground in spring. At the age of Chen Ping, the dragon led the ship's owner. Provincial customs patrol the square, showing the gift of Dongyue, the blind can see, the deaf can speak, and the frowning can suddenly. Since the emperor came, the sky is near the North Pole, and on the road, the distance has been extended. The apocalypse is peaceful, the beast sees a corner, and the life is changed, and the poplar grows loose. The stone fish shows the symbol of harmony, the jade rabbit shows the celebration of Yongchang, and the mountain map shows litmus. They all praised Ji Guozuo with the names of ministers. Classic weft, jade turtle, literal meaning, delivery meeting. Within Miyagi and in the valley, stones have turned into jade, which cannot be counted. A ridge of Taoqu is covered with colored glass. Yellow and silver are from the mountains. Jasper was born in Switzerland. There are many Yangshan sounds, called Guoxing and Li Anyun Shanyin, which will spread in this country for thousands of years. The geese still live in the pond when they descend to heaven, and the deer enter the park and guide them diligently. I see quality, I swim in the wild, antlers are born in poplars, and dragons are born in Jinggu. Qingyun shines brilliantly and the birthday girl shines brilliantly. Palace pavilions, salty ganoderma lucidum, mountains and rivers, rare treasures. Wei Xiang is fragrant, and Zero Dew is sweet. Wushan, Dunhuang, Blackstone turned white, Honglu Yanling, Shihuayuan. Mysterious foxes and leopards, white rabbits and white wolves, cardinals and pale blacks, wild silkworms and beans, golden harvests and spikes, and rare wood are tied together. God is willing to stop taxing, and Hong En is blessed. It is boundless and undisciplined. This is a matter of heaven and god, so that I can carry on the bright spirit, be proud of my life and be quiet in the sea. Therefore, I can sincerely feel that learning Chinese characters to celebrate and saltiness to achieve happiness. Thank you sincerely. I sincerely recommend that jade and silk be offered together. I only offer ordinary products. I offer burnt offerings to God Hao Tian. Emperor Wu Yuan, Emperor Mao, was in charge of the gods.
In the first year of Daye, Baigan and Mengdong worshipped China, and were replaced by Emperor Wendi of Emperor Gaozu. The rest use old gifts. Ten years, the winter solstice worship round mountain, the emperor didn't eat. Pay homage to the imperial court, prepare to control according to law, and then salute. It was windy that day, and the emperor dedicated himself to the gods, and three centimeters to the five emperors. After the ceremony, the royal horse left.
Tang Ming is in the sunshine of this country. In the early Liang Dynasty, according to the Song and Qi Dynasties, Qi was still the main worship method. When the ceremony was unreasonable, Emperor Wu discussed it with the scholars. Old Qi Yi, suburban worship, the emperor was crowned. "Daegu" was made after seven years in prison, and the notes on "Tang Mingyi" were still full of clothes. Ten years later, Yi Caolang and Zhu Yi thought: "Rites are a great sacrifice to heaven and god. So are the five emperors. Good deeds are lofty from God, and righteousness must be sincere. Today, it is unreasonable to sacrifice to the five emperors. " So I changed my clothes for Daegu. I also thought, "Tang Ming is precious, so it is not appropriate to offer the Yi ceremony three times. It shouldn't be like a bottle. " Li says,' Chao Jian used many bottles.' Zheng Yun: "Great, Waye." "Ji" also said:' A jar of danger. These are all used in temples, and the quality is still very high. The present situation is in Tang Ming, and the ceremony is not like this. Please use clay pots now, which is suitable for literary needs. "He said:" The ancestral temple is expensive, so it is ashamed of everything and has far-reaching significance, so it must be simple. What is recommended in today's "Notes on Documents" is no different from that in the temple, that is, reasonable collection of things, if not allowed. Please go from this restaurant to the second suburb. However, it is worth noting that the emperor is the name, and he is the master of fertility and adulthood. If it is not like heaven, it is like words. Although it is the same suburb, it should be slightly different. If the products of water and soil belong to the category of fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to stop using pear, jujube, orange and chestnut, ginger, sunflower and leek, and japonica rice and millet. After that, if there are no suburbs, please move out of the province. "At the beginning, Dr. Mingshan made" Instrument Note ",and the five emperors worshipped in Tang Ming, and the salute began in Chi Di. Poor thought: "Since Mingtang is a pan-sacrifice to the five emperors, there is no order. It is better to be promoted to the East than to spring the emperor first. Please start from Di Qing. Some people also said, "Tang Ming's beans and other utensils are carved." . Look for the suburbs to worship your quality, use pottery, the temple is expensive, and the carving is appropriate. Since the ceremony of the hall in the Ming Dynasty is a text, it is not allowed to be pottery, which is better than the temple and should not be engraved. If you consider two ways, it certainly doesn't matter. Please use pure paint instead. "The difference is that" the old instrument, Ming Chengdian worships the five emperors, first considers the depression, irrigates the land, prays to God, offers sake at the beginning, then drinks it, and finally drinks it. "After the ceremony, I want to give the millet meat to the headquarters. Please follow the instructions and stop serving sake. Besides, the five emperors' gods can't be obtained from underground, and there is no ceremony of millet meat in the second suburb sacrifice. And please stop irrigation and grant the law. " He also thought, "The old auditorium is too tight. "Ji" case said: "Special sacrifice for rural use"; Some people also say that' the cow of heaven and earth is a cocoon and chestnut'. Since the five emperors call God, there is no sacrifice of three sacrifices. There are articles about "Shi Mao I will", written by Yunsiyu, and the saying of "Wei Yang". Goodness is built by the second generation of Zhou, whose meaning is nobility, and the halls in the suburbs are not extremely qualitative, so the three sacrifices are specially used, only for one generation. Today, considering a hundred kings, the righteousness is universal, and the recommendation of fruits and vegetables, though a gift and suitable for prison use, should follow Yan Xia. Please stop using our special cattle, which is in line with quality and sincerity. " The emperor followed it. First of all, the emperor wanted to change his job, but he made a decree and discussed its significance with his ministers. The system said, "Tang Ming approved" Da Li ":'Nine rooms, eight rooms, thirty-six households. Build a house with wool, circle up and down. "Zheng Xuan, according to the list of gods, it is also said that" the upper circle is below "and" eight windows and four reaches ". Tang Ming means offering sacrifices to five emperors, and the number of nine rooms is unknown. As far as the five halls are concerned, although they are the number of five emperors, they are extremely dangerous to Ye Guangji in the south, red anger in the north and east and west. The sacrifice of the five emperors in the hall is of general significance, while the sacrifice of the five emperors in the suburbs is of another significance. A room should be provided for ancestor worship. If a room is specially matched, it means that righteousness does not match five. If it's all five, it becomes five. In principle, there is no room in Tang Ming. " Zhu Yi thought: "The moon makes the son of heaven live in the left and right halls". Listening to the ceremony of the new moon, since I am in Tang Ming, if there is no room today, it will become a defect in righteousness. " Zheng Xuan said, "If you listen to the new moon, you must be in the hall. People and gods are confused here, and Zhuang Jing's way is useless. "Spring and Autumn Annals" said, "Between the two great powers." This statement about Mingtang is that there is a small room in the south of the Five Emperors Hall, also called Mingtang, which is divided into three listening places. Since there are three places, there is a meaning of about one. Inside the camp, outside the Tang Dynasty, there is a name, so it is called Tang Ming. In this sense, when listening to the new moon, people and gods outside the Five Emperors Hall are different, and the difference is irrelevant. "The debate was uncertain at the beginning and has not changed. Twelve years, too often? Juefu led a nine-foot banquet in Mingtang, thinking that the number was high and wide, and the hall worshipped a one-foot banquet, so it was made nine feet high. The Han family system still abides by this ceremony, so Zhang Hengyun is also a "banquet". In Zhengxuan, the three systems of temple and bedroom are the same, all of which should be measured at nine feet. The system says, "Yes. "So he destroyed the Taiji Hall in the Song Dynasty and built the Twelve Mingtang with its materials, which is the benchmark ancestral temple. There are six rooms in the middle and six seats in the middle. Note that it is south. There is the first Di Qing, the second Chi Di, the third Yellow Emperor, the fourth Bai Di and the fifth Hei Di in the East. Pei Di has always enjoyed five emperors, located in the east and west of Ji Lang. There are five small halls behind the main hall, thinking that five assistants are not in the room.
Chen system, now there are twelve halls and halls. There are six rooms in the middle school, and six are arranged according to the same system. The four emperors each followed their own direction. The Yellow Emperor lived in Wei Kun, while he sat by the beam method. When Emperor Wu was emperor, he was an emperor with both ability and political integrity. Emperor Wen was accompanied by Emperor Wu. After the abolition of the emperor, with the emperor Wen. Sacrifice is too strong, only six meals, prepared fruits and vegetables recommended. After the Qi Dynasty, Zhou Guankao was divided into five rooms, while Wednesday Map was divided into nine rooms, each with its own system, but it was not established.
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