Does the fat-dissolving needle hurt when it hits the face? Will it be red and swollen?
Does the fat-dissolving needle hurt your face? The main component of fat-dissolving needle is lecithin extracted from soybean, which decomposes fat by dissolving fat cells to dehydrate and contract them. For local small-scale shaping, the role of fat-dissolving needle is obvious. When it comes to the application of fat-dissolving needle in small plastic molding, we have to talk about the topic of fat-dissolving needle face-lifting. The principle of fat-dissolving needle for face-lifting is the same as that of other fat-dissolving needles for shaping. Fat is decomposed by fat-dissolving drugs and excreted by macrophages. Then the same is true when the fat-dissolving needle is thin-faced. It is also to dissolve the fat on the face and make the face thin. As for whether the fat-dissolving needle hurts, in fact, as long as people who have had other face-lifting needles, including those who have had micro-plastic injections, this kind of pain is like being bitten by an ant, which is a little painful when entering the needle. Of course, there may be some swelling and pain when pushing the medicine, but it won't be serious. In addition, redness, swelling and tenderness may appear in a short time after the injection is completed. This is a normal phenomenon of fat-dissolving needle face-lifting. Don't worry, it will disappear soon. Does the fat-dissolving needle hurt your face? It is not difficult to see from the above that fat-dissolving needle face-lifting is not only painless, but also one of the least painful face-lifting methods. Of course, it also has certain limitations, because it is only useful for fatty facial hypertrophy. If you are masseter hypertrophy, then you need to use other face-lifting methods to face-lifting.