int main(void)
{ int num 1,num2
int x,y,z,j;
Floating k; /* * K must be defined as real number type, that is, float or double type, because the result of division may be decimal, otherwise it will lead to error */
printf(" Enter num 1 = "); /* * This line reminds you to enter the number num 1 and the contents in quotation marks */
scanf("%d ",& ampnum 1);
printf(" Enter num 2 = "); /* * This line reminds you to enter the number num2, and you only need the contents in quotation marks */
scanf("%d ",& ampnum 2);
x = num 1+num 2;
y = num 1-num 2;
z = num 1 * num 2;
k = num 1/num 2;
j = num 1% num 2;
printf("num 1+num2=%d\n ",x); The/* * equal sign should be followed by% d, and% d means that the output is plastic data, that is, int type */
printf("num 1-num2=%d\n ",y); /* * The output should be printf instead of print, and it is better to add \n line break */
printf("num 1*num2=%d\n ",z);
printf("num 1/num2=%f\n ",k); /**k defines a floating-point type, so it should be %f instead of %d*/
printf("num 1%num2=%d\n ",j);
Returns 0;
/* * You can run what I changed for you. I suggest you learn to indent when programming in the future to make the program structure clear. If you have any questions about learning C language, please feel free to communicate with me */