Nieto, the director, said that Yuyao's injury was the most serious injury he had seen in many years as a doctor. Yaoyu's brain was badly hit, his left skull was completely fractured, and the pressure in his brain was three times that of normal people. At present, Yuyao has no vital signs, no blood pressure and no breathing, all of which are maintained by instruments. After many inspections and appraisals, Yuyao is now in a state of death.
Nieto also said that when Yuyao was taken to the emergency room of the hospital on the night of 16, it was confirmed that Yuyao had no hope of survival, and the operation was only out of the doctor's humanitarianism to help Yuyao strengthen its inner will to survive.
The report pointed out that Yuyao is still lying in the surgical intensive care unit of Queen's Hospital, with white sand cloth wrapped around her head and crimson blood in her brain. Her eyes are bruised, her lips are swollen and deformed, and her body is full of various medical devices, and she has no response to the outside world.
Nurse Christine said that the organ transplant agency had asked Yuyao to provide suitable organs, but they wouldn't let it get any organs from Yuyao, because they didn't know whether Yuyao had signed any organ transplant consent documents for accidental death or whether Yuyao's parents agreed to transplant. However, she also pointed out that after Yuyao's death, other organs of her body will fail, and if her family members have no special requirements, she may only keep her body intact until this weekend.
Finally, Christine said that Yuyao was rushed to the emergency room at 9: 00 pm on 16, and was transferred to the surgical intensive care unit on 17. Mr. Wang, a relative of, visited the ward by telephone at 17.