1, resin repair. For 1 ~ 2 mm incisors, they can be directly restored with resin aesthetics, but the probability of falling off is relatively high, which requires regular maintenance.
2. Orthodontics. By wearing braces to correct teeth, teeth can move, and orthodontic treatment can achieve the purpose of narrowing the gap between teeth. The correction time takes about 1 year and a half to two years. Orthodontics can solve the problem of big teeth without loss, but it takes a long time for adults to correct.
3. Porcelain teeth restoration. If the gap between the front teeth is large, it is generally recommended to choose all-ceramic porcelain teeth, because all-ceramic porcelain teeth have no metal base, which can not only restore the shape and function of teeth, but also have strong flexural strength, realistic color and appearance, smooth surface, no problems such as black spots and gingival discoloration after long-term use, and the required time is relatively short.
4. Toothpaste. Toothpaste is also a good way for big teeth. Compared with porcelain teeth, the plaster only needs to grind off a layer of tooth surface, which has less damage to teeth and takes less time.