How to reduce Chu carelessness 1 point?
Yan Zi went to the State of Chu. The Chu people thought that Yan Zi was short, so they opened a small door beside the gate and invited Yan Zi to come in. Yan Zi refused to go in, saying, "People who were sent to the dog country went in through the dog door. Today, I was sent to the state of Chu, and I shouldn't go in through this door. " The person who greeted the guests entered the gate with Yan Zigai. Yan Zi visited the King of Chu. The king of Chu said, "There is no one in Qi to send? I sent you as a special envoy. " Yan Zi replied: "There are 7,500 families in Linzi, the capital of Qi State. When people open their sleeves together, the sky becomes dark. " Sweat together, it will merge into a rainstorm; "Pedestrians in the street shoulder to shoulder, toes touching heels. How can you say that there is no talent? " The king of Chu said, "In that case, why did he send you as an envoy?" Yan Zi replied, "Qi sent envoys. According to different objects, sages send sages, and those who don't send them don't. " I, Yan Ying, am the most corrupt person. I want to send an envoy to Chu. "Will this sent to chu. When the king of Chu heard the news, he told the courtiers that Yan Ying, who was good at rhetoric in Qi State, had come. I want to humiliate him. what can I do? The ministers replied, "When he comes, please let us tie a man and walk past the king." The king asked, "What does this man do?" We replied,' It belongs to Qi. The king asked again, "What crime have you committed?" We replied,' We have committed theft. "Here, the king of Chu rewarded this wine. At the height of the wine, two officers tied a man to see the king of Chu. The king of Chu said, "What do people who are tied up do?" The official replied, "It's a Qi man who committed theft. The king of Chu looked at Yan Zi and said, "Do Qi people like to steal things?" Yan Zi left her seat and solemnly replied, "I heard that the fruit of orange trees growing in the south of Huaihe River is sweet orange, and the fruit growing in the north of Huaihe River is lime. Only the leaves are similar, but the fruit tastes different. What is the reason? It's different water and soil. " Now people don't steal when they live in Qi, but steal when they arrive in Chu. Isn't it because of the soil and water in Chu that people like stealing? "The king of Chu said with a wry smile," don't joke with saints, but I'm bored myself. "Wisdom comment: diplomacy is no small matter, especially when it involves national dignity. It is absolutely inviolable. Yan Zi defended his national dignity and personal dignity by "pointing the needle at wheat". Yan Ying is a man of wit. —— Selected from The Spring and Autumn Annals of Yan Zi, Internal Articles and Miscellaneous Notes (Scholars Integration, Zhonghua Book Company, 1954 Edition). The title was added by the editor. There are many anecdotes about Yanzi in Yanzi Chunqiu. Stefanie (? -top 500), Yan, Yiwei (now Gaomi, Shandong). At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, he was a famous politician, who served as minister of Qi State, Zhuang Gong, etc., and was famous for his political foresight, diplomatic ability and simple style. Hearing this, the King of Chu said to the left and right, "Yan Ying, a scholar of the State of Qi, came today, and I want to humiliate him. Why? "Left and right said," For his arrival, I ask you to tie a man and walk over the king. Wang Yue, who is it? Yes, qi people are also. Wang Yue, why are you sitting down? Hey, sit and steal. "Chu Yanzi gave Yanzi wine, and the wine was full. Two officials tied a person to the king of Chu. The king said, "What about those who are bound?" He said, "Qi people are also thieves. The King of Qi looked at Yan Zi and said, "Are Qi people good at stealing?" ? Yan Zi avoided the table and said, "Babies can smell it, but oranges were born in Huainan and oranges were born in Huaibei. Leaves are similar to disciples, but they taste different. What's that? Soil and water are different. Now people's livelihood is better than Qi's, but they stole it when they went to Chu. If they have water and soil without Chu, the people will be good at stealing. " Wang said with a smile, "saints are not interested in happiness, but I am interested in disease." "