Open Visual FoxPro and select "Reader Information Table".
right-click the table and select modify to open the table designer.
click the fields tab to view a list of fields in the table.
locate the gender field and double-click it to open the field properties dialog box.
in the field properties dialog box, click the validation tab and select the validation rule option.
in the validation rule field, enter the following rules:
INLIST ("male", "female")
in the invalid message field, enter the following message:
gender information is entered incorrectly
click the default value tab and set the default value of the gender field to.
click ok to save the changes and close the field properties dialog box.
locate the age field and double-click it to open the field properties dialog box.
in the field properties dialog box, click the validation tab and select the validation rule option.
in the validation rule field, enter the following rule:
AGE > = 15 AND AGE < = 1
In the Invalid Message field, enter the following message:
Age data entered incorrectly
Click OK to save your changes and close the field properties dialog box.
save table design changes and close table designer.
these steps will set field validity rules for the Gender and Age fields in the Reader Information Table.