You can also use the corresponding shortcut keys, as shown below:
AI curve ctrl+shift+O shortcut key?
Moving tool v
Direct tool selection and group tool selection a?
Pen, add anchor point, delete anchor point, and change the path angle p.
Add anchor tool+?
Delete anchor tool-
Text, area text, path text, vertical text, vertical area text, vertical path text.
Ellipse, polygon, star, spiral l
Increase the number of sides, chamfer radius and spiral turns (drawing in L and M states)
Reduce the number of sides, chamfer radius and spiral turns (drawing in L and M states) ↓
Rectangle, rounded rectangle tool m?
Brush tool b
Pencil, smoothing and erasing tool n?
Rotate, rotate tool r
Zoom and stretch tools?
Mirror and tilting tool o
Free deformation tool e?
Hybrid and automatic edge marking tool w
Chart tool (seven charts) J?
Gradient dot tool u
Gradient fill tool g?
Color sampler I
Paint bucket tool k?
Scissors and cutters c
View translation, page, size tool h?
Magnifier tool z
Default foreground and background colors?
Toggle fill and stroke x
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode f
Switch to color fill
Switch to gradient fill >
Switch to no padding/?
Temporary use of fixture tool space
Perform precise operations, such as mirror orientation and rotation, select the appropriate tool and press Enter.
Press Alt+ to drag the copied object in the state of R, O, V, etc.
File operation to create a new graphics file?