The first kind:
1, the conversion between int and byte[] (similar to byte? Short and long types)
【java】? Opinion? Plain? Copy?
*? Converts an int value into a four-byte byte array. This method is suitable for sequence (low order first, high order last). ? Used with bytesToInt ()?
*? @param? Value?
* int value to be converted?
*? @ Return? Byte array?
Public? Static electricity byte[]? intToBytes(? int? Value? )
byte[]? src? =? New? Byte [4]; ?
src[3]? =? (bytes)? ((value & gt& gt24)? & amp? 0x ff); ?
src[2]? =? (bytes)? ((value & gt& gt 16)? & amp? 0x ff); ?
src[ 1]? =? (bytes)? ((value & gt& gt8)? & amp? 0x ff);
src[0]? =? (bytes)? (value? & amp? 0x ff); ?
Return? src
*? Converts an int value into a four-byte byte array. This method is suitable for sequence (high order first, low order later). ? Used with bytesToInt2 ()?
Public? Static electricity byte[]? intToBytes2(int? Value)
byte[]? src? =? New? Byte [4]; ?
src[0]? =? (bytes)? ((value & gt& gt24)? & amp? 0x ff); ?
src[ 1]? =? (bytes)? ((value & gt>16); ? 0x ff); ?
src[2]? =? (bytes)? ((value & gt>8)&; 0x ff);
src[3]? =? (bytes)? (value? & amp? 0x ff);
Return? src?
Byte[] to int
【java】? Opinion? Plain? Copy?
*? Accepts int values in byte arrays. This method is suitable for the order (low order comes first, high order comes last). Can I use it with intToBytes ()?
*? @param? src?
* byte array?
*? @param? Offset?
* Starting from the first offset bit of the array?
*? @ Return? Int value?
Public? Static electricity int? bytesToInt(byte[]? src,? int? Offset)? {?
int? Value;
Value? =? (int)? ((src[offset]? & amp? 0xFF)
|? ((src[offset+ 1]? & amp? 0x ff)& lt; & lt8)
|? ((src[offset+2]? & amp? 0x ff)& lt; & lt 16)
|? ((src[offset+3]? & amp? 0x ff)& lt; & lt24)); ?
Return? Value; ?
*? Int values are taken from byte arrays, and the appropriate order of this method is (low order last, high order first). Used with intToBytes2 ()?
Public? Static electricity int? bytesToInt2(byte[]? src,? int? Offset)? {?
int? Value;
Value? =? (int)? (? ((src[offset]? & amp? 0x ff)& lt; & lt24)?
|((src[offset+ 1]? & amp? 0x ff)& lt; & lt 16)?
|((src[offset+2]? & amp? 0x ff)& lt; & lt8)?
|(src[offset+3]? & amp? 0x ff)); ?
Return? Value; ?
The second type: 1, int and byte[] (similar to byte
Short and long types)
【java】? Opinion? Plain? Copy?
*? Converts an int value into a four-byte byte array. This method is suitable for sequence (low order first, high order last). ?
*? @param? Value?
* int value to be converted?
*? @ Return? Byte array?
Public? Static electricity byte[]? intToBytes(int? Value)
byte[]? byte_src? =? New? Byte [4]; ?
byte_src[3]? =? (bytes)? ((value? & amp? 0xFF000000)>& gt24); ?
byte_src[2]? =? (bytes)? ((value? & amp? 0x00FF0000)>& gt 16); ?
byte_src[ 1]? =? (bytes)? ((value? & amp? 0x0000FF00)>& gt8);
byte_src[0]? =? (bytes)? ((value? & amp? 0x 000000 ff)); ?
Return? byte _ src?
Byte[] to int
【java】? Opinion? Plain? Copy?
*? Int values are taken from byte arrays, and the suitable order of this method is (low order first, high order last). ?
*? @param? ary?
* byte array?
*? @param? Offset?
* Starting from the first offset bit of the array?
*? @ Return? Int value?
Public? Static electricity int? bytesToInt(byte[]? ary? int? Offset)? {?
int? Value;
Value? =? (int)? ((ary[offset]& amp; 0xFF)
|? ((ary[offset+ 1]& lt; & lt8)? & amp? 0xFF00)?
|? ((ary[offset+2]& lt; & lt 16); ? 0xFF0000)
|? ((ary[offset+3]& lt; & lt24)? & amp? 0x ff 000000)); ?
Return? Value; ?