Black pinyin
The pinyin of black characters is hē i.

Black pinyin refers to the "paradigm" of "A, O, E, I, U, ü" in the vowels of Chinese pinyin syllables. This is an alphabet pinyin scheme, which is used to apply the common language of China countries on computers and the Internet.

Black Pinyin, that is, Black Pinyin, is an informal agreement without any authority, because it is only produced on the basis of habit and is mainly used for the communication of amateur programmers in Chinese mainland, and its phoneme table itself and tone expression are not unified.

Now, pinyin has been widely used, especially in digital devices such as computers and mobile phones. Many programmers or computer professionals will use black pinyin in their daily application and communication.

In black pinyin, the six vowels "A, O, E, I, U, U" represent six vowels respectively, in which "I, U, U" is changed into i 1, u 1, iu3 by adding two dots after the original praise to distinguish the pronunciation of ordinary lowercase letters.

The phonetic symbol * * * has 24 initials, namely B, P, M, F, D, T, N, L, G, K, H, J, Q, X, ZH, CH, SH, R, Z, C, S, and the combination of 24 initials and 6 finals can be used to conveniently combine Chinese characters.

Because black pinyin is an informal protocol, different sources and application places may have different phonetic symbols and listening methods. For example, Beijingers may find that the I vowel of the second "Hua Er" in Beijing dialect has been replaced by e. )

In addition, black pinyin can't express all syllables, light tones and ancient rhymes of Mandarin. For example, it is not recommended for business-related occasions because of its poor standardization and many differences in usage from Chinese Pinyin.

Generally speaking, Black Pinyin is an unofficial, convenient and quick scheme for Chinese Pinyin. Although it is not standardized, it has been widely used in amateur programmers, network communication and Internet applications.

As a simplified typesetting form, Black Pinyin brings convenience to our information sharing. Whether in the computer field or online chat media, it is very practical for people who don't want to input Chinese characters but want to quickly convert them into Pinyin.