So, in order to prove it to everyone, Confucius took his disciples to the porridge room. Confucius said: Yan Hui, I want to sacrifice my ancestors with this hard-won porridge first. You can handle it. Yan Hui shook his head and said, No, sir. While cooking porridge, a piece of mud fell on the roof. It's a pity to throw it away, so I have eaten contaminated porridge, which can save one person's meal money. But this kind of porridge can't worship ancestors. Confucius took a look at Zigong and left.
Therefore, Confucius and his students are also ordinary people, and the sage culture is reflected in the little things around them. If sages preach things that ordinary people can't do, what is their purpose? In fact, Confucianism is used to manage one's own life and handle the relationship with family, brothers and friends. It is a very common and practical knowledge.
Of all Confucius' disciples, Yan Hui is his favorite. Why did Yan Hui become his favorite disciple? From the records of Yan Hui in The Analects of Confucius, we can make a small analysis.
First of all, Yan Hui is a smart and diligent student. Smart people are generally liked by teachers, which has always been the case. Confucius once praised Zigong, saying that he was a wise man who "told everyone who knew him in the past". But Confucius asked Zigong who was better than Yan Hui. Zi Gong claimed to be inferior, saying that Yan Hui knew one thing and two things. Confucius also said, I agree with you, you can't compare with him. The profile reflects Yan Hui's cleverness. Yan Hui's cleverness is not only a matter of talent, but also because he is diligent. After Yan Hui's untimely death, Confucius said with regret that he died too early. I only saw his continuous progress, not his stagnation. When Confucius talked with Ji Kangzi and others, he also talked about Yan Hui's eagerness to learn many times.
But smart students are often very dangerous people in the eyes of teachers. No matter shine on you or Bai, there are arrogant people, such as Yang Xiu in the Three Kingdoms. Playing with knowledge is very dangerous. But Yan Hui is not proud. He respects his teachers and abides by the way of learning. Confucius was surprised to respect the teacher. Confucius once said that I gave lectures to Yan Hui all day, and he never raised any different opinions, like a fool. But observing him talking to others in private, I found that he played a very good role in my opinion. This respect for teachers, not easily contradicting teachers in knowledge, is probably well reflected in Yan Hui. But Yan Hui respects teachers because he admires their knowledge. He once said with emotion: I look up to the teacher's thoughts and knowledge, and the more I look up, the more lofty I feel. The deeper I study, the deeper I feel. I saw it as if it were in front, and suddenly it seemed to be behind. The teacher is good at inducing me step by step, enriching my knowledge with literature and classics, and restraining my behavior with etiquette, so that I can't stop learning even if I want to. I have exhausted my talent, and it still seems to stand in front of me. Although I want to climb up, I feel I can't. This is undoubtedly the highest praise for Confucius' knowledge and teaching. This kind of sincere praise naturally won the heartfelt love of Confucius. So Confucius said that Yan Hui liked everything I said. And I'm a little sorry to say that Yan Hui didn't help me. But for a teacher, it is undoubtedly a blessing to find someone who follows him "enthusiastically" in knowledge.
The Analects of Confucius recorded several things consistent with the way of learning. First of all, when talking about his ambition, Yan Hui made it clear that I would like to declare my contribution instead of boasting about my strengths. This modest attitude keeps him away from the danger of cleverness. When Confucius talked with Lu Aigong about which student was better, he praised Yan Hui for not taking it out on others and making the same mistake. Yan Hui was already dead. Confucius also compared Yan Hui with other disciples, saying that his thoughts could not leave benevolence for a long time, and other disciples could only think of benevolence for a short time. Yan Hui once asked Confucius what benevolence was, which led to Confucius' classic, "see no evil, don't listen to evil, don't say evil, don't move if you are evil." Yan Hui nodded and said, "Even if I am incompetent, I will do as you say."
Yan Hui was liked by Confucius, which may contain the elements of Confucius' compassion. Although Yan Hui has a high degree in his life, he has no political achievements. Confucius said that Yan Hui is virtuous, and the so-called "one scoop of food, one scoop of drink, in the mean lane, people will be worried if they can't bear it, and they will not change their fun when they go back." This shows both Yan Hui's virtue and his poverty. Confucius said indignantly that Yan Hui's morality and knowledge were similar, but he was so poor! Yan Hui once asked Confucius how to govern the country, which shows his ambition to show his talents in the political field. Who knows that heaven waits for no man, but let him die young! Confucius recalled that he was naturally full of sadness and sympathy.
But these are not the most important reasons why Confucius liked Yan Hui. In fact, Confucius really liked Yan Hui, because he saw his own shadow in Yan Hui. Similarly, Yan Hui did what the teacher said.
For Confucius, his thoughts and actions are consistent. Among the disciples, only Yan Hui can do it. For example, "eat less, drink more water, bend your arms to rest on it and enjoy it." Unjust wealth is like a cloud to me. "Only Yan Hui can match the practice of keeping the gentleman poor. On political ideal, Confucius said to Yan Hui, if you use it, you can discard it. Only you and I can do it. This is simply that Confucius saw the shadow that followed him! Therefore, he said, "three years of study is not difficult to get. "(There are too few people who have studied for many years but don't want to be an official), which is simply talking about themselves and Yan Hui! Yan Hui probably knows that he and his teacher are not only teachers and students, but also bosom friends. When Confucius traveled around the world, he was imprisoned in Kuang Di, and Yan fell behind. Later, when he arrived, Confucius said with relief and anxiety, I thought you were dead. Yan Hui comforted Confucius and respected Tao. The teacher is still alive. How dare I die?
After Yan Hui's death, Confucius expressed his deepest sorrow. The Analects of Confucius records: "Yan Yuan (that is, Yan Hui) died and his son wept bitterly. The follower said, "I'm so tired!" " Say,' What's the matter? If it's not your wife's fault, who will? Confucius said, "I don't mourn for this man, but for whom?" When Yan Hui was buried, Confucius appeared as a confidant. Both Yan Hui's father and Confucius' disciples wanted to bury Yan Hui with rich etiquette. But Confucius disagreed, because according to etiquette, both he and Yan Hui obeyed etiquette, which was not allowed. Finally, Confucius' disciples gave Yan Hui a generous burial. Knowing that this was against etiquette, Confucius said, Yan Hui regards me as a father, but I can't treat Yan Hui as a son. This is not my intention. When Kong Li, the son of Confucius, died, he was also buried thinly. It shows that Confucius is not rude without a thick burial. And the disciple's behavior just goes against his meaning. If Yan Hui were still alive, he would definitely oppose this kind of behavior.
In that era when a hundred schools of thought contend, Confucius and Yan Hui set the best example for teachers and students in virtue. Now, we only have inner desires. ...
Confucius. Historical Records Confucius Family: Confucius was in office and lost contact with his disciples. Confucius was independent of Guo Dongmen. Zhengren or Zi Gong said, "There is a man at the East Gate, who looks like a Yao, with a neck and shoulders, but his waist is less than three inches, like a lost dog." Zi Gong told Confucius with truth. Confucius smiled happily and said, "Form is not an end." It's like a lost dog, but it is! Yes! "This passage translated into vernacular Chinese, is:
Confucius came to Zheng when he traveled around the world, but he was separated from his disciples. Confucius stood alone at the east gate of the outer city. Someone in Zheng saw it and said to Zigong, "There is a man standing at the east gate. Forehead, neck, shoulders, like a purple toad, but three inches shorter than the waist; A tired and unlucky look, really like a dog who lost his master's house. " When Zi Gong met Confucius, he spoke these words truthfully. Confucius said with a smile: "it doesn't matter what a person looks like;" On the contrary, he said I was like a dog who lost his master's house. That's true! That's right! "
Strangely enough, Confucius was not interested in being told that he was like Tang Yao, Hao Tao, Zi Chan and other sages, but he was very interested in being told that he was like a lost dog. Instead of being angry, he smiled happily and said, "What a pity! Yes! " It is right to praise others. When I think about it, the reason may be: Confucius thinks that the first three "images" all refer to appearance, and "it doesn't matter what a person looks like"; What matters is mood and mood. The metaphor of "lost dog" accurately describes his inner world when he was "in the right place" (came to Zheng). At that time, he hit a wall everywhere, but his knowledge was not used by monarchs of various countries, and he really felt lost as a "lost dog". Confucius only praised the accuracy of this metaphor, but did not care about the derogatory meaning of the word "dog". On the one hand, it shows that he is broad-minded, on the other hand, he is "seeking truth from facts" without vanity and hypocrisy. All metaphors are lame, so why take away one "similarity" and ignore the others?