Breast pain is a very common problem. Generally speaking, the possibility of causing breast pain is as follows: 1. It is caused by physiological period: this kind of pain is obviously related to menstrual period. Usually, breast pain is caused by the increase of blood supply two or three days before menstruation, and gradually disappears after menstruation. Because of the obvious relationship with menstrual period, it usually does not cause trouble to the parties. 2. The bra is not suitable, which is caused by oppression. It can be relieved after replacing the bra. 3. The breast is too large, which causes discomfort due to suspension. 4. Pain caused by breast trauma. 5. Inflammation and infection of mammary glands cause redness, swelling, heat and pain. Mastitis is particularly prone to occur during lactation. After proper treatment (such as giving antibiotics and proper massage), symptoms can be quickly relieved. As for breast cancer itself, it rarely causes pain unless it worsens and invades adjacent tissues, such as skin or chest wall.
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