int[]? Numare? =? New? int[ 10]; //Define an array
Console. WriteLine ("Please enter the number of 10:"); //C++ is printf ("Please enter the number of 10:");
For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? Numare. Length; ? i++)//numar。 Length This will get the length of the array. You can also write 10 directly here.
numar[I]=? The inside of the analysis (console. ReadLine()); //Get the value typed by the user and store it in the array. C++ should be Scanf or something I haven't forgotten it for a long time
Console. WriteLine ("Please enter the number you want to find:"); //C++ is printf ("Please enter the number you want to find:");
int? findNum=int。 Parse (console. ReadLine());
Bull? isfind? =? Fake;
For what? (int? I = 0; I< Numare. Length? ; i++? )
What if? (numar[I]? ==? findNum)
isfind? =? True; //If you find it,
Console. WriteLine ("This number is at the position of {0}", i);
If (! isfind)
Console. WriteLine ("This number does not exist in the array");