Wang Maozhong is favored by the world, and those who are attached by hundreds of officials converge. Mao Zhong married a woman and asked why. Mao Zhong nodded and said, "I'm all ready, but there are no guests." The master said, "Zhang said, shouldn't people be called evil spirits?" He said, "You know what you can't do, and you will get it." He said, "You know what you can't do, and you will get it." Yes: "Of course." He smiled and said, "I'll invite guests for you tomorrow." Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will call and say, "I am a slave of Mao Zhong. It is only appropriate for you to consult with the officials." In Japan and China, guests were afraid to lift chopsticks, and it took a long time before they arrived. They held Xie Xi's wine first, but they didn't have enough to drink, and suddenly they came back with abdominal pain. I am honest and honest.
Wang Maozhong was deeply loved by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and numerous civil and military officials fawned on him. Wang Maozhong's daughter is getting married, and Xuanzong asked him what he still lacked. Wang Maozhong kowtowed and replied, "I'm all ready, but I didn't invite guests." Xuanzong asked, "Can't people like Yuan and Yuan shout?" Wang Maozhong replied: "These are all invited." He said, "I know there is only one person you can't invite, and that is Song." Wang Maozhong said, "Exactly." Xuanzong smiled and said, "I will invite guests for you personally tomorrow." The next day, Xuanzong said to the Prime Minister, "My slave Wang Maozhong is holding a wedding for his daughter. You should go to his house with all the important officials of the court to congratulate him. " Until noon, all the guests were afraid to move chopsticks, just waiting for Song. After a long time, Song arrived. He first raised his glass and bowed to the west, thanking you for saving his life. Then, before finishing this glass of wine, he suddenly said that his stomach was unbearable and left home. Song is a man of integrity, more old.
2. The king of Wei is too spoiled in the world. Which classical Chinese in the world is Wei Wangtai's pet, or how light Wang Wei is above the third grade. In his anger, he raised more than three products, and made a fuss that day:' When Emperor Wendi was in power, the kings overthrew the products below one product. Isn't that the son of heaven and the wicked? The skin just doesn't listen to the philosophers, and it's light to smell more than three products. I want to be vertical, but I can't humiliate it. Fang and others were sweating with fear, and they all thanked each other, but said with a straight face, "I secretly planned for today's minister, and I dare not despise Wang Wei. Out of courtesy, I am a minister and a son. Spring and Autumn Annals: Although Wang Ren was small and thin, he was above the princes. All the above three products are public offices, and your majesty respects them. If Jigang is not good, it doesn't matter; In the name of holiness, Wang Wei has no reason to insult his minister. Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty was too arrogant, making many lines very rough and completely annihilated. Is it enough? "ShangYue said," you can't refuse to accept reasonable words. I forgot justice with my own love. I was angry with that man. I said I didn't doubt it. I heard that I was right. How easy it is for the host to talk! "
Wang Tai-shen was loved by Taizong, and it was said that ministers above the third class were frivolous and did not agree with Wang Wei. Emperor Taizong was furious, summoned the ministers above the third class and severely reprimanded them, saying, "When Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, the ministers below the first class were humiliated and manipulated by the ministers. Isn't Wang Wei the son of the emperor? I just don't want the princes to run amok. It is said that ministers above the third grade despise them. If I indulge them, can't I humiliate you? " Fang and others were sweating with fear and kowtowed to apologize. Wei Zhi said with a straight face, "I don't think ministers dare to despise Wang Wei today. According to etiquette, ministers and princes are the same. " Spring and Autumn Annals said: Even if the people of Zhou Wang are humble, they should be above the vassals. Above the third grade are ministers or ministers, and your majesty is always respectful. If discipline is corrupt, it goes without saying; Wang Wei has no reason to humiliate his ministers if the saints are above him. Emperor Wendi was arrogant, drowned his son, behaved rudely, and was finally killed. Is it worth emulating? "Taizong said happily," Very reasonable, I have to admire it. I forgot justice because of love. When I was angry just now, I thought it was reasonable. I didn't know it was unreasonable until I listened to Wei Zhi. How can you speak so rashly as a monarch? "
3. Tam is a native of Guixiang, Weizhou.
Father Luo, whose real name is Luo Zongyang, started as a horse herding supervisor for our time. In the last years of Guangqi, Le's son was so arrogant that he dared not recruit and wanted to destroy the tooth army in Weizhou.
The tooth army was furious, gathered people and shouted to attack him, fled during training and defended Xiangzhou. The tooth army abandoned the joy, imprisoned him in longxing temple, forced him to become a monk, killed him soon, and elected Zhao as the successor of the primary school.
Earlier, Luo said that he met an old man with a white beard where he lived and said to him, "You will be the owner of one of the lands." I met twice in this dream, and I felt very strange inside.
Soon Zhao and the army were at loggerheads, and the army gathered and shouted, "Who will be our time?" Luo immediately replied, "The old man with white beard told me a long time ago that I could be your monarch." In April of the first year of Tang Wende (888), the tooth army elected Luo as the successor of Weizhou.
When the court heard the news, it officially granted him our time. In the period, Taizu attacked Yanzhou and Yunzhou, and Zhu turned to Taiyuan for help. At this point, Li Keyong sent general Li Cunxin to aid, and stationed in Shenxian County by way of Weizhou.
Li Cunxin went out of his way, constantly taking Weizhou horses and cattle, and Robben was wronged. Mao took the opportunity to send someone to see Luo, saying, "The Jin people in Taiyuan are determined to annex the Heshuo River. When they return to the division, your road will be very worrying. "
Luo was afraid, so he made friends with Mao and sent 30,000 troops to attack Li Cunxin and defeated him. Soon, Li Keyong led the troops to attack Weizhou and camped outside Guanyin Gate. Many cities belonging to Weizhou were captured by 8 Jin Army.
The Maoist Ge went to save Luo, fought with the 8 Jin Army in Lianshui, captured Li Keyong's son alive and presented it. Mao ordered to surrender to Luo, who killed Jin Jun before withdrawing. At this time, Zhao Kuangyin is trying to seize Yanzhou and Yunzhou, fearing that Luo will deviate from himself. Every year, when giving property on holidays, you must be modest in words and generous in gifts.
Every time Luo returned the gift, Taizu would bow to the north in front of the ambassador of Weizhou and say, "Brother Liu is twice my age. How can a friendship of brothers treat each other with the courtesy of ordinary neighbors?" So Luo attaches great importance to Mao.
Later, Luo was officially proofread by Qiu and was appointed as Linqing King. In August of the first year of Guanghua (898), he died in office.
After Luo inherited his father's footsteps and claimed to stay in Weizhou, the imperial court appointed him by the way, and then officially gave him an axe and a shovel, sealing him as a proofreader, part-time assistant minister and Changsha county king. Moving eastward to Luoyang, Taizu ordered each to build Luoyi, while Luoyi built his own ancestral temple, and the imperial edict named him the imperial guard and made him the king of Ye.
At the beginning, during the Zhide period, Tian stole and occupied the six countries of Xiang, Wei, Yi, Bo, Wei and Bei, recruited children from the army and put them under his command, which was called the "Tooth Army", and they all gave generous rewards, which made the Tooth Army extremely favored. A long time ago, father and son came down in one continuous line and became close friends. The cruel man took bribes and violated laws and regulations, and officials could not stop him.
It's just like a child's play to change the coach casually. In the past 200 years, from the beginning of chefs, coaches have been cancelled by the dental army, such as Shi Xiancheng, He Gao, Han Hele and so on. They all supported them, and their preferential treatment and rewards were slightly unsatisfactory, so the whole family was punished. Luo used to suffer from the tooth army. Although he bought the goods and tolerated them, he was dissatisfied with them.
In the first month of the second year of Luo's accession to the throne, Liu Rengong of Youzhou took up 100,000 troops, disturbed Heshuo, captured it and marched into Weizhou. Luo turned to Mao for help, and Li Sian, a Maoist, helped him. He was stationed in Lianshui. Ge Cong Xing Zhou entered Wei Zhou, and Liu Shouwen and Shan Ke, generals of Yan Army, fought against Mao's army in Neihuang. The Yan army was defeated and Mao's army pursued them.
In Ge, he also led the army to attack and defeated the Yan army. More than 30,000 beheadings.
In three years, Luo sent messengers to join forces with Mao to jointly attack Cangzhou to repay Mao. From then on, Luo was grateful for Mao's help and deeply admired and attached to him.
Luo witnessed the decline of the national fortune in the Tang Dynasty, and his army was stronger than other places in the world. Knowing that he must have the intention of being a Zen master, he attached himself wholeheartedly to him to make friends and achieve his career, and he was often worried about the accident of the dental army, which made him uneasy. One day, in the early years, the ruined ground sank for no reason. Soon, a small school in Li changed. Luo was even more afraid, so he decided to get rid of the tooth army and sent messengers to tell Mao to let him do foreign aid.
Mao promised him to send Li Sian to attack Cangzhou again with the army of Weibo Town. Before that, Princess Anyang died in Weizhou. Mao took the opportunity to send Ma Sixun of Changzhi Military Academy to select 1,000 soldiers, hid weapons in huge pockets and carried them into yu zhou with shoulder straps, saying that he sponsored the funeral of Princess Anyang.
One day, on the fifth day of the first month of the third year (906), Mao personally led his troops to cross the river, claiming to inspect the camps in Cangzhou and Jingzhou. The tooth army was very suspicious of his actions. On 16th of this month, Luo led hundreds of slaves to attack the tooth army with Ma Sixun. At that time, more than 1000 dental troops living in Yacheng were all killed by dawn, and all 8000 families were destroyed, but it was empty.
The next day, Mao ran from the inner yellow. At that time, Wei Jun, with 20,000 troops, was surrounding Cangzhou with the imperial army. Wei Jun heard what was going on in Weizhou City, so he held the general stone and stuck to Gaotang. In six states, they are enemies. It took the Maoists half a year to settle down.
From then on, although Luo got rid of the tooth army that persecuted him, he immediately regretted weakening his own strength. In less than a few months, the battle of Fuyang happened again, and the traffic in Luo Fei provided supplies for transporting military supplies. It's 500 miles from Yedu to Luchang, and cars and tracks overlap.
Marshal House was established in Weizhou, and pavilions were set up along the road to supply sacrificial prisons, wine supplies, military accounts and weapons. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Mao's army, and there is no shortage of military supplies. When Mao came back from Luchang and passed through Weizhou again, Luo took the opportunity to say to Mao, "... Zhou, Qixia and Taiyuan finally had arrogant and secretive intentions, each under the banner of reviving the royal family in the Tang Dynasty." The king's attempt to seize state power by himself to cut off others is a godsend, not what people want, which was criticized by the ancients. "
Mao thanked him deeply. When Taizu ascended the throne, Gallo was a teacher and a secretariat official, and was awarded the title of "Contributing to the Opening of Heaven".
When Yu Jia entered Luo, he was ordered to rebuild the Five Peaks Pagoda and Temple. Huge timber and exquisite craftsmen were not owned at that time, but the building suddenly.
4. The classical Chinese translation of Ding Me Ding Yi Shi
original text
There is Ding in the room. He is quick and powerful, and he has learned the skills of fighting from a distance. Two or three feet high, you can jump; The width of two or three feet can be more and more. I saw it when I was a child. I want to see its technology. When Li Yu crossed the hall and faced the front door, the outside of the front door was the opposite; When I turn to the back door, the outside of the back door is the opposite. If there is, it is seven or eight degrees. The lid jumped over the lug. When passing through Duling Town, I met a friend and invited him to the hotel by the bridge for a drink. The wine is drunk and the river bank has been built. The friend said, "Can you surpass this?" A scholar shrugged his shoulders. The friend waved back and the answer came again. The foot just reached the shore, but the shore has been smashed, and there are cracks and lines near the water. A scholar didn't see it, stepped on it by mistake, and the shore collapsed by two feet. Then fall into the river and go down the river. I never learned to swim, but I jumped a few feet from the center of the wave. I was able to go straight up instead of near the shore and still fell into the water. If you count to four, you are exhausted, but you have drowned. There is nothing worse than relying on something. Those who rely on money will eventually lose with money, those who rely on power will eventually lose with potential, those who rely on wisdom will eventually lose with wisdom, and those who rely on strength will eventually lose with strength. You dare to take risks if you rely on it. Days later, Yan Song bought a mountain stick in Luanyang and wrote a poem: "Walking with you in the morning and evening, the road will be safe. If you dare to rely on your heart, you will be bumpy. " Real experience is precious and admirable. Notes on Yuewei Caotang Jiyun (Ji Xiaolan)
There is a man named Ding in the village. He is strong, agile and formidable, and he also knows martial arts and flying skills. The height of two or three feet can be easily skipped; A distance of two or three feet wide can also be easily crossed. I met him when I was a child. I asked to see his skills. He asked me to stand in the aisle and I faced the front door. He first stood outside the front door and faced it. When I turned to face the back door, he was standing outside the back door, facing me. This was repeated seven or eight times, and as a result, he jumped off the roof. Later, he passed by Ling Du Town, met a friend and invited him to the hotel by the bridge for a drink. After drinking enough wine, they stood by the river and looked out. His friend said to him, "Can you jump over the river?" Ding Yi Shi shrugged his shoulders and jumped over. When a friend called him back, he jumped back. However, as soon as I got to the shore, I found that the river bank was about to collapse, and a crack opened at the steep place near the water. Ding didn't see it and accidentally stepped on it. The riverbank cracked more than two feet, and he fell into the river with the collapsed riverbank and was washed away downstream. He has never been familiar with water, so he can only jump up a few feet from the middle of the waves, but he can only jump up and down. He will not swim to the shore and still fall into the river. Jumping so many times, my strength is exhausted. Finally drowned in the river. There is nothing worse than bullying and bluffing. Those who rely on money eventually fail because of money, those who rely on power are unlucky because of power, those who rely on ingenuity are unlucky because of ingenuity, and those who rely on strength eventually die because of courage. This is because once you rely on it, you will dare to take risks. My friend Tian Hou, named Yan Song, once bought a Laoshan pole for mountain climbing in Luanyang, and wrote a poem on it: You accompany me everywhere before and after the flowers, so be careful not to slip on the road. How dare you deliberately set foot on rugged land because of you? This is really the wisdom of people who have experienced the world, so we should attach importance to it and always remember/admire it! If you really have social experience, you can hang it on a chain and never forget it.
5. Translation of Classical Chinese Niu Hongrong's Pets and Interpretation of Words Niu Hong was loved by emperors of all dynasties, but the car and clothes he rode were very simple and economical. Treat the emperor very politely and treat his subordinates very kindly. Although he is not good at words, he moves skillfully. The emperor once made him read the imperial edict. Niu Hong reached the bottom of the steps, speechless. He went back and said, "I forgot all about it." The emperor said: "it is not the responsibility of the prime minister to read the imperial edict." Praise him for his integrity. In the whole great career, he received the most grand treatment.
Niu Hong is generous and devoted to his studies. Busy as he is, he still keeps his books. The veteran of the Sui Dynasty has always been trusted by the emperor, and only Niu Hong has never suffered disaster and humiliation.
Niu Hong's younger brother Niu Bi likes drinking. Once he was drunk and shot a cow pulling a rickshaw with an arrow in Niuhong. When Niu Hong came home, his wife came forward and told him, "My brother-in-law suddenly shot the cow with an arrow." Niu Hong listened, did not ask the reason strangely, and directly replied: "Do beef jerky." After he sat down, his wife said, "My brother-in-law suddenly shot the cow with an arrow, which is very strange." Niu Hong said, "I see." His face, as usual, did not stop reading. His generosity and peace have reached this point.
6. Insulting the original text and translation, begging "If you are surprised, you will be in great trouble." What is being humiliated and surprised? If you are spoiled, you will be surprised if you get it, and you will be surprised if you lose it. It means to be surprised if you are humiliated. What does it mean to be in danger? I have a big patient because I have a body; I have no body. What's wrong with me? Therefore, you are the world, if you can send it to the world; Love is the world, if you can trust it. "
Being loved and humiliated by others is like being scared, treating such a big disaster as honor and disgrace and as precious as your own life. What do you mean by being humiliated? Being loved is humble, being loved is particularly surprising, and losing is amazing. This is called being spoiled and humiliated. What does it mean to value great misfortune as much as your own life? I am in big trouble because I have a body; If I have no body, what harm will I have? Therefore, the precious body governs the world, and the world can entrust it to him; Only by cherishing your body can you govern the world and the world rely on it.
7. You Hongzhong's translation of classical Chinese and the translation materials of exercise answers are for reference: You Hongzhong (1138-1215), a native of Nanchong.
1 175 (the second year of Xiaozong) was the first scholar, and the official was the master of money. Li Changtu, the general manager, took a fancy to him and recommended him to work in a manufacturing company to Zhao Ruyu. Zhao Ruyu also attaches great importance to him, calling him a "trustworthy and heard" person.
After Zhao Ruyu returned to the DPRK to take photos, you were also recommended to enter the DPRK, and the official governor boarded the Drum Music School. After Zhao Ruyu was sent out of North Korea, she swam back to Sichuan, where she was transferred to Lizhou Road and her sentence was increased.
It can be seen that Hong Zhong's official position in Beijing is less than ministerial level, and he is only a departmental official at the local level. Quot "worship" and "participate in politics" are completely false. Travel like (also write lovers) (? -1252), the word Ren Jing,No. Kezhai, presented to Shao Shi.
He is diligent and studious, and studied under Liu Guangzu. 122 1 year (14th year of Jiading, Song Ningzong), a scholar, served as an official in Dali.
1239 (the third year of Li Zongjiaxi) paid tribute to the bachelor of Ming Temple, signed an order in Council, and made Nanchong County an ambassador. In August of the same year, he joined the Senate and learned about politics. 1245 (five years of Chun [You]) Worship Prime Minister Right.
Ruyou's official career surpassed his father's, and he has been in a position of "control" from the bachelor's degree in Baiming Temple to the death of worshipping power and sealing the country. After traveling like a senior official, he settled in a new town in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, which used to be his shrine.
The achievements of you and his son. Hong Zhong's rank is not as high as his son's, but his courage and courage are far above his son's.
When he was in charge of building fortifications, Dong Man Department of Yibin invaded Qianwei and captured some Song people. Song is going to send troops to attack, and you invite him to deal with it alone.
After asking the inside story, he ordered the prisoners to be released, and Song paid the price of the horse and turned the war into a friendship. You surrendered and returned. Since then, he has gained a great reputation and was transferred to Chengdu as a staff officer.
He proposed to Yang Fu that the soldiers to be wiped out should be used for farming. In this way, the retired soldiers were placed, the tax revenue of the people was reduced, and the abandoned land was used. It's really "killing three birds with one stone".
Shao Xi entered Korea for four years, which was the time when Han stomach rejected Neo-Confucianism and attacked Zhao Ruyu. Prime Minister Liu Zheng, philosopher Zhu and admonition officer Huang Du all left the court.
You Hong Zhong said angrily: "When your majesty's house is in a hurry, the court can't count books;" The day before yesterday, the prime minister left him and went to the right, without courtesy; Huang Du, the remonstrator, will go, or else he will. A recent minister, Zhu, went there, but he didn't stop by. Since ancient times, there have been no prime ministers, admonishers and lecturers who can think they are smart.
I hope to return to the light, and don't let the villain succeed, so as to cultivate disaster. "He dare to be so arrogant, give his head to Ningzong and Han Wei, it's so human. Since the "Qingyuan Party Ban", he was listed as party member and suffered a blow. He returned to Sichuan to work in our company, and often paid attention to the situation of Deputy Ambassador to Wu.
Wu uprising, has returned to Nanchong, the company curtain officer Xue Ama also came to Nanchong. Fu Xuan sent Cheng Song to Nanchong, and Liu Chongzhi was always assigned to Nanchong. You Hong Zhong pointed to a book that said "Ding Mao died in the first month" and said to Ai Xue: I have already told my family, "If the sunrise forces me to die, I will fill in the date".
You said to Xue Mao, I have written to persuade yangfu to ask for a thief, and yangfu doesn't need me to discuss it. If Cheng Song is willing to take my advice, I will take twenty thousand soldiers to escort him to Chengdu.
As a result, Cheng Song ignored it. It seems that Hong Zhong sent his son to swim again, saying that Liu Chongzhi had committed the crime of soliciting thieves, but he didn't listen.
This shows that you, Hong Zhong, have extraordinary courage to have the above ideas and activities. If you had been a local official at that time, the great contribution to winning Wu would not have belonged to An Binghe.
You seem to have a successful career since you were a scholar, and you have never suffered setbacks. In the meantime, apart from telling Li Zong about his mind and kingliness, persuading him to be pro-Confucian, respecting his health, saving his love, and selecting talents and appointing talents, there was nothing special at all.
However, it seems that during the reign of Korea, it was the time to revive the Southern Song Dynasty, seek governance through rationalism and establish the position of Neo-Confucianism. Some talents and people who were hit and influenced by the party ban were mostly taken to North Korea, such as Fan Zhong, Wei Liaoweng, Zhao Kui, etc. They all entered North Korea and were employed during this period.
Therefore, especially in the DPRK, he seems to be called a man of integrity, and was named one of the "Four Sages in Shu" by Yang Shengan in the Southern Song Dynasty. You and his son opened Nanchong's theory of sex.
Neo-Confucianism originated in the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu was a master of science. He established a relatively complete physical education department of Neo-Confucianism and Philosophy with objective idealism. When you entered the DPRK, you assisted Zhao Ruyu in making plans and said, "I often listen to Zhu's lectures."
Therefore, you accepted Zhu's Neo-Confucianism, and Zhu also called it a strange man in Sichuan. When Zhu was expelled from North Korea, he wrote a letter against it, demanding that Zhu "extremely return".
Later, Hong Zhong was listed as a "fake school" and was hit. After his death, Liu Guangzu expressed his grave day: "Alas! Party member, Qingyuan visited Gong's tomb.
"You Xiang's academic views are not only influenced by his father and his teacher Liu Guangzu, but also by Wei Liaoweng, a hero of Neo-Confucianism. When Wei was an official in Tongchuan (now Santai), he invited you to study sexuality.
You seem to say, "Jiading lived for fourteen years (122 1). Zhai, from Tongchuan County, a public school, read the Book of Changes, try out the old theories and study with friends.
"This year, I traveled around like a scholar and began to be an official in the DPRK. The next year, Wei Liao Weng was also called into the DPRK, and the relationship between them was better. During the trip, they said, "I often talk more. "
His explanation of Wei's "loyalty is not for the outside, affection is not for the inside" is "clap your hands for joy" It can be seen that You Xiang was greatly influenced by Wei Liaoweng in Neo-Confucianism.
Therefore, when you seem to be talking with the emperor about governing the country, it fully embodies the heart-based Neo-Confucianism. You seem to be the minister of power and etiquette. He said: "If you want to do the courtesy of Heaven, you must do your best to respect Heaven. If you have a heart, you must be appropriate in politics. Say what you say and be reasonable. If the rain follows its order, you will be safe in summer.
"When you seem to be an official minister who has participated in the classics and the emperor asks for advice, you seem to be saying,' A teacher of one mind is strong enough to turn a master into Kun, and ... there is no way to save the world. "Wandering words, is to seize the heart, the heart as omnipotent, not only embodies his neo-Confucianism, but also embodies the neo-Confucianism of Wei Liaoweng's subjective idealism.
As we know, Wei Liaoweng's Neo-Confucianism thought comes from Zhu's students. Like Zhu, Li Shao, Wei Liaoweng and you, this line is very clear.
Therefore, the Jiaqing edition of "Nanchong County Records, External Collection" said: "Nanchong You Zhonggong often listens to Zhu Wengong (Xi) and has a deep understanding of human nature. So far, it is quite popular in the county, all built by his father and son. " Miscellaneous notes also said: "After Song Gaozong crossed the south, Central Plains literature.
8. Shen's classical Chinese translation of Shen's Story
Wang Wan
Huai' an, tasted as the company commander before the Ming Dynasty. Ren Xia is light rich, which is the so-called scholar-bureaucrat. Shunzhi two years, first the governor Tian Yang, familiar with Tong Ming, treat each other with courtesy. Seeing that Ming is going to die, he belongs to his family and floats to the sea. Tong Ming hid his wife somewhere else.
The Qing army will cross the Huaihe River, buy his wife in a hurry and trace it to Tong Ming's home. It's time to light up the long door. The prisoners gathered around his house, walked into the bedroom door aboveboard, drank several battles, tied his beloved concubine with silk, took out the archer's bow and arrow, and shouted, "If only the next generation knew about General Shen!" Therefore, those who intend to catch arrows are all wandering around to attract. Bright, love my concubine. Rented in Suzhou, changed his name and surname, and made a living by selling divination. My concubine died for a few days and didn't want to talk to herself. I wish you a pagoda. I have abandoned my pagoda costume and went to Dengzhou in the north to visit my old friend. Tong Ming is Quirrell's husband and the reason why he is beautiful and bearded. He is proud of drinking. Every drunken song is called Dengzhou City, and the city is crazy. Peng Gongzi, a native of his state, is quite famous in Jianghuai area and stopped at the governor's office. I found Tong Ming, and I went to talk to him, but Tong Ming was silent. I was asked to be governor Peng, but I am happy to tell the truth. The duke grabbed his hand and said, "Your appearance is a little slim. Someone must be looking for it. Who is it, Lu Ye? " Lead back and drink with the light. It takes a long time to be forgiven.
You can smell it with less courage when it is bright, and you can taste the taste of fighting with thieves. When it's bright, you can pull out the arrow and split the armor and wrap it up. If you shoot one by one, you have to fight to kill people and give them back. All armies will be strong. Now, Ren Xia, who is in his eighties, has a slight decline in physical strength. When he still drinks less, he is as complacent as before.
During the war in the Ming Dynasty, there were many wizards from all directions, such as brilliant men, who were very charming, as they all knew. Other people who are unknown, others who have never heard of them, are not allowed to write for the sake of discipline and do not understand geometry. However, the demise of the Ming Dynasty did not help. Why? At this time, some people don't need it, or they are inexhaustible. As for the ministers who grab things in the temple, they are either immoral or friends, or they are pregnant and spoiled. When things happen, if you don't just pull your elbow, you will add media. And once absolutely broken and helpless, people will lie that the world lacks talents. Oh! Is it really a shortage of talents?
Shen of Huai 'an used to be the company commander of the former Ming Dynasty. He is a chivalrous man who values righteousness over wealth, and all scholars praise him. In the second year of Shunzhi, there was a governor named Tian Yang, who always knew that Shen was a person and was very polite to him. When I saw that the general trend of the Ming Dynasty had gone and was about to die, I entrusted my family to Shen and drifted away. Shen Zang and Yang's wife and children went to other places.
While the Qing army was crossing the Huaihe River, an urgent reward was offered for the capture of Tian Yang's wife and children and their pursuit to Shenyang. At that time, Shen had not gone out for a long time. The rounded-up people surrounded Shen's residence. Shen went to the bedroom, drank a few bowls, tore a bundle of silk, tied it on my body, carried it on my back, went out with the rider's bow and arrow, and shouted, "Do you know General Shen?" So the arrow was aimed at the rounded-up person, and the rounded-up person dodged his hind legs left and right. Shen ran away quickly and struggled with his beloved concubine, out of danger. Rent a house and settle in Suzhou, change your name and surname, and sell a house to make a living. Soon my concubine died, bored, cut her hair and became a monk. Later, he took off the monk's clothes and went to Dengzhou in the north to visit his old friends.
Shen, a tall gentleman with a beautiful beard, regards drinking as a very generous thing. Every time he gets drunk, he makes a hullabaloo about in the market in Dengzhou. People in the street think he is crazy. Peng Gongzi, a native of Dengzhou, has always enjoyed a high reputation in Jianghuai area. He just stayed at home and didn't become the governor, but he (Peng Zizhen) was surprised to hear the news. Knowing Shen's address, I talked to him as I walked, and Shen was silent. I was very happy to tell the truth when I knew it was Governor Peng. Gong Peng grabbed his hand and said, "Mr. Wang looks a little shabby. Someone must be looking for him, but who is the Luzhu family? " I'm glad to go home with Shen and have a drink with him day and night. I have lived for a long time, and I can go out in case of Amnesty. Shen, a teenager, is famous for his bravery. He once had a duel with a robber, who shot him in the chest with an arrow. Shen immediately pulled out his arrow, tore open his armor and wrapped the wound, catching up with the robber who drew the bow. Finally, he killed the talent and came back. All the soldiers in the army admire him. For example, when he was over 80 years old this year, his physical strength declined slightly, but his capacity for drinking did not decrease, but Ren Xia was complacent, just like in the past.
In the late Ming Dynasty, during the war, there were many wizards in all directions. People like Shen are very attractive people, which I have heard for a long time. I don't know how many people were drowned, but I didn't hear them, and they weren't disciplined. But it did not play a remedial role in the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Why (what reason)? At this time, either such people are not reused, or they are appointed and can't use up their talents. As for the ministers of the temple deacons, they are either immoral and friends, or they are spoiled by Huailu. There is something going on in the world. These treacherous officials not only pull those people's elbows, but also add fuel to the fire, making it worse. Once the tide is gone and there is nothing to do, you will lie that there is no talent in the world. Hey! Is there really no talent in the world?
9. An Xifan translated classical Chinese into An Xifan, a native of Wuxi.
Jinshi in the 14th year of Wanli. Teach pedestrians.
Moved to the ritual department, begged for foster mothers, and changed to the Nanjing official department. In twenty-one years, a group of people, in order to avoid disputes, went to the countryside with Zhao Yongxian and stayed with Yang.
The history of climbing dragons to Jieyang. Wu Hongji, this proposal was also rejected.
Xi said to Fan Shangshu, "In recent years, this honest minister has been uneasy. The earliest choice of lang was with carp, who were upright and upright.
Xianjie almost shocked the whole world, just going home with Zhenwu's pillar, so that he and Cai could see its meaning and make an attack. To be honest and clean like Sun Yuan, Li Shida's access is just right, and Li Zhen's isolation is honest and clean, which is a tool of the imperial court.
Chenghe Shida went to China successively, and Zhen also made up his mind to go to the countryside. The world * * * cherishes the use of ministers, and suspects the jealousy of cabinet ministers and does not use them. Gao Panlong is a free, honest and peaceful city, and his Majesty is a loyal minister, an assistant minister and a friend.
If you should stay in the room to distinguish between sparseness and sadness, there is no reason to recover. The second half of the Ming dynasty can be discussed, and climbing dragons is not bad.
And the letter of punishment should be only from the thin fall, climbing the dragon and fleeing to avoid famine. The assistant minister was wrongly disloyal to the country.
It is easy to write from the text and break it. What is your father's atrocities? If you are reprimanded, Yang Bi will save you and fool the eyes and ears of the world, and the world will know its heart.
Wu Hongji distinguishes between a gentleman and a villain, but he is more ignorant and has offended Long Climbing one after another. I cherish it, not for the two ministers. I'm afraid all gentlemen retreat and all villains enter. Who will suffer?
Begging your majesty to condemn accommodation and materials as a ring for the villain to flatter the stove; Climb the Dragon and Hung Kai Pass again to reward loyalty and righteousness; He also sternly warned Wang Xijue, the cabinet minister, not to raise the party privately, but to hate honest people. Then the karma is light and the virtue is light. "
At that time, Dr. Tan and President Sun of Nanjing punishments department were condemned for illegally dismissing Xijue. Xi fan avoided it, and the emperor angered and denounced it for the people.
Fan is quiet and simple. He will give lectures with Lin Dong. The heir of Zong will be an official, and he will die first.
Give it to Guanglu Shao Qing.