After defeating Yin Kexi, he will run away. Decisive pursuit. There is blood on the ground, which is easy to trace. Chasing from Huainan Road to the tea shed outside the customs. I found these two men lying on the ground in rags, talking to the white ape and asking Su Ling to save the white ape, but they needed some materials. There is a tailor's needle. Datura is beside the tea shed outside the customs. As for the veils and the wild silkworm thread, the champion of hot boxing in Wubagang, Huainan Road is about to fall. After the wound was healed, the Lengga Sutra in the belly of the white ape was found. I don't know that the protagonist of the goods was buried and went to the target location-Dongdukou. At Dongdukou Wharf, we met Cheng Ying, a long-lost person. After a long chat, I finally got to the point. After a plot, I waited 15 minutes for the real time to come over. When I came back, there was a little girl who was about to drop out of school.