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How does ps achieve the effect of cloud? How to create a cloud effect in Photoshop?
PS Making Cloud Effect Skills Tutorial 1. How to add the cloud background step 1 and create a new 1000x600px document. Create a new layer, and then add a "blue sky and white clouds" stock image. Use a big picture and make sure there are fewer central clouds in the blue sky. Call this layer "cloud background". Step 2, add a color overlay layer to the CloudsBackground layer #3dacfa with colors. Step 3: Add a gradient adjustment layer in Photoshop to brighten the "cloud" background. 2. How to make a cloud brush step 1? In order to produce this cloud effect, we need to use a cloud brush. We will use the "soft round brush" to make a simple cloud brush. Therefore, select the brush tool, and then select the soft round brush from the brush list. Switch the brush panel, and then click the brush tip shape to set the spacing. Click Shape Dynamics, and then set the size jitter, angle jitter, roundness jitter, and minimum roundness. Step 2, click the scatter point, and then set the two-axis scatter point, and the counting jitter is 40%. If you use a larger brush, you may need to adjust these settings. Step 3: Save the brush and click the "New Brush Preset" option. Give your brush a name, Cloud Brush. 3. How to make cloud text This cloud text effect is one of my favorite Photoshop text effects, and it is not difficult to make it. As you will see in the following steps, step 1, add text to the new layer. Use color #000000. Step 2: Right-click the "CloudsText" layer and select "Rasterization Type". Step 3, enter "filter" >; "fuzzy" > Gaussian blur, and then set the radius to 3.6 pixels. Step 4, enter the filter >; Twist > ripple, and set the number around% 55. You can apply Gaussian blur filter and ripple filter again to create blurred text effect. Step 5, press Shift-Control-N to create a new layer. Name this layer CloudsEffect. Select the brush tool, and then use the cloud brush to add a cloud effect around the text. Select the color of the #000000 brush. To create a cloud effect, use different opacity levels (about 30%) and draw in the same area several times. Don't worry about the result-you still have a chance to adjust the cloud text effect next. Step 6: Select "Cloud" text and "Cloud" effect layer, and then right-click and select "Convert to Smart Object". Step 7: Set the blending mode of "Cloud Effect" smart object to "Overlay" and "Opacity" to 90%. In addition, add the following layer styles to the cloud effect smart object: shadow, internal shadow, external glow, internal glow, bevel and relief, and satin. The colors of the layer styles I use are #ffffff and #000000. You can adjust the layer style according to your preference. It also depends on the size of the text. Because this is the effect of hand-painted details, you won't get the same effect twice. 4. How to make a cloud texture step 1, create a new layer and name it Cloud Texture. Fill this layer with #ffffff color. Set the foreground color to #ffffff and the background color to #000000. To make a cloud texture, go to Filter >; Rendering > clouds. Step 2, copy the CloudsTexture layer and name it CloudsOverlay. Step 3: Now hide the "cloud overlay" layer. Right-click the CloudsTexture layer and choose CreateClippingMask. Set the blending mode of the cloud texture to light color. The fourth step, above >; Adjust > Levels, and then select the desired settings. Step 5, make the "cloud overlay" layer visible again and set the blending mode to screen. Step 6: Adjust the contrast of the cloud texture by adding a "color scale" to the "cloud overlay" layer. You can also resize and move the cloud overlay to the location you like. 5. How to add a bird to create a new layer, and then add the stock image of "bird". Press Control-I to reverse the color of the bird from black to white. Set the blending mode to a screen with 90% opacity. Then use the eraser tool to keep only a few birds. 6. How to add color, contrast and sharpening effect Steps 1, add a ColorFill adjustment layer #0096ec to use color. Set the blending mode to color and the opacity to 48%. Step 2: If you want to change the blue hue and reduce the color saturation, please add a hue/saturation adjustment layer. Step 3: To increase the contrast of the cloud effect, please add a "color scale" adjustment. Step 4: To complete the image, you can add a sharpening effect. Press Shift-Control-Alt-E to merge copies of all visible layers. Call this floor "Qualcomm". Select filter > other > Qualcomm and set the radius to 2 pixels. Step 5, set the blending mode of Qualcomm layer to overlay. 7. How to make a cloud shape in Photoshop Step 1 To shape a cloud, use the Cloud Effect smart object. Double-click its thumbnail to open it. Step 2: Hide the text layer and add the hummingbird image to the smart object. Step three. For the shape of a bird, please follow the same steps as "Cloud Text". First, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and then set the radius to 3.6 pixels. Secondly, add ripple effect. Go to Filter > Distortion > Ripple and set the number around% 55. These settings may be different, depending on your shape, size and appearance. Finally, use the cloud brush to draw the shape. Step four. To see the shape results of the cloud, please save and close the smart object. Step five. You must replace the Qualcomm layer every time you change the contents of a smart object or other layer, such as the background. Therefore, delete the Qualcomm layer and create a new one. Press Shift-Control-Alt-E to merge copies of all visible layers. Call this floor "Qualcomm". Select filter > other > Qualcomm and set the radius to 2 pixels. Set the blending mode of this layer to overlay to produce a sharpening effect.