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How much does full body liposuction cost?

As of December 7, 2019, the price for full-body liposuction surgery is determined based on a person’s degree of obesity. It is generally 1,000-3,000 yuan per site, depending on how many sites need to be liposuctioned. to calculate.

When performing whole-body liposuction weight loss surgery, the principle of “small amounts and multiple times” should be followed. With fewer suction sites, there is less trauma, faster recovery, less pain, and no need for general anesthesia. On the contrary, large-area liposuction is highly invasive, painful, slow to recover, and requires a large amount of anesthetic drugs, which increases the risk of anesthetic accidents.

In addition, large-area fat suction is a very labor-intensive job for plastic surgeons, and they are prone to fatigue. Even if there is no life safety problem, fatigue will lead to a reduction in suction accuracy, which will affect the patient's health. Surgical effects. Generally speaking, suction should not exceed 4 locations at one time.

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Precautions before liposuction

⒈The patient should take a bath one day before the operation.

⒉ Stop taking blood-activating drugs, vitamins and other nutritional supplements before surgery to prevent them from affecting wound healing and increasing intraoperative bleeding.

⒊Stop smoking for two weeks before surgery. Smoking reduces the concentration of oxygen in the blood and affects wound healing.

⒋Stop drinking alcohol within 24 hours before surgery. Drinking alcohol accelerates blood circulation and increases intraoperative bleeding.

⒌Consult with a plastic surgeon first to understand the parts that require liposuction to lose weight and the amount of fat that may be removed.

⒍Learn from the doctor the basic process of liposuction surgery, possible problems and related countermeasures.

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