Call the name code of the text box
Sub? getTextboxName()
For what? Me? =? 1? Where to? This document. Shape, count
What if? This document. Shape (1). Type? =? msoTextBox? then what MsgBox? This document. Shape (1). name
End? submarine
The following calls the text box content code.
Sub? getTextboxContent()
For what? Me? =? 1? Where to? This document. Shape, count
What if? This document. Shape (1). Type? =? msoTextBox? then what MsgBox? This document. shapes(I). text frame . text range . text
End? If there is a call to the contents of a text box containing subfields, you can use val (thisdocument. Shape (1). Text frame. Textrange.text) function converts numerical judgment into single precision and double precision.