Tongzhi liked to sneak out of the palace to play in brothels when he was young, but because of his status, it was not convenient to go to some big brothels, so he had to find some hidden brothels, which may be the reason why Tongzhi was infected with syphilis. Moreover, Tongzhi is the son of Cixi. If his mother is so good, his son will be weak. With such a capable mother, Tongzhi is a king, but not much real power. He is also politically obedient to Cixi.
Moreover, after Tongzhi got smallpox, it was precisely because of Cixi's good face that the treatment was delayed. A king has syphilis, which is a very shameful thing, so once it is known, it will definitely embarrass the royal family. Therefore, when Tongzhi was ill, the physician dared not speak out, but secretly asked Cixi. At that time, Cixi refused to admit that her son was syphilis, but suffered from smallpox.
So at that time, Cixi asked the physician to treat the same disease with smallpox medicine, which delayed the treatment of this disease. Although syphilis was not an incurable disease in ancient times, due to the royal family's face, the best treatment time was delayed, which led to Tongzhi's death so soon. Although he knew he had syphilis, he was terminally ill at that time and could not change the status quo, so he had to take medicine to die.
Emperor Tongzhi/Kloc-died at the age of 0/9, which had a lot to do with having a mother like Cixi. After all, Cixi is a very overbearing and autocratic person. Although she really wants her son to have a good future, she is helpless and has no courage of her own. Therefore, Cixi is strict with Tongzhi, but Empress Dowager Cixi dotes on Tongzhi. I have to say that the connivance of Empress Dowager Dong also made Tongzhi such a culprit.