In today’s society, there are many people with deaf ears, especially children. Is Zhaofeng Er good? In Western countries, the situation is completely different. Children with provocative ears are not considered blessed or smart. On the contrary, children often become the object of ridicule by their peers, and are constantly given nicknames such as donkey ears and rabbit ears, which put psychological and mental pressure on children. At the same time, rheumatoid arthritis sometimes affects people's beauty, and rheumatoid arthritis can also affect the wearing of glasses.
Since its creation by Dr. Debafinch in 1845, the plastic surgery for rheumatoid arthritis has gone through countless doctor innovations and transformations. Now it is very mature and there are many surgical methods, but the general surgical principle is the same. The procedure is: ① Remove the excess skin behind the ear; ② Bend the abnormally erected auricle cartilage to re-establish the normal auricle shape; ③ Suture the skin behind the ear and bandage it under pressure. The dressing should be changed every three days after surgery, and the stitches can be removed on the seventh day. As long as the method of corrective surgery for rheumatoid arthritis is correct, the results are generally good.
The most common method is: the surgeon makes a small incision behind the ear to expose the ear cartilage. The cartilage is then sculpted and bent toward the back, closer to the skull. Absorbable sutures are now often used for suturing to maintain the shape of the ear. Sometimes, the surgeon will remove a piece of cartilage so that the ear crease looks more natural after surgery. Another technique makes similar incisions behind the ear. A portion of the skin is removed and the ear cartilage is held in place with sutures to keep it folded without removing the cartilage.
Ear plastic surgery usually takes 2-3 hours, and more complex surgeries will take longer. The technique used depends on the condition. Most patients are left with an inconspicuous scar behind the ear after surgery, which gradually fades over time. Even if one ear protrudes, surgery is often performed on both ears to achieve better balance.
Postoperative treatment: The sutures will be removed in about a week. You can return to school or start work 5-7 days after surgery. For several weeks after surgery, a scar will be left behind the ear after surgery, which will fade over time. After surgery, the affected ear should be bandaged with pressure to prevent hematoma formation and facilitate auricle shaping. The sutures are usually removed in about a week.
Activities that may bend the auricle should be avoided for several months after surgery