//In fact, you can only get single digits. If it exceeds two digits, it will not work in this way.
# Contains? " string.h "
# include & ltiostream & gt
Use? Namespace? std
int? main(int? argc,? char*? argv[])
Cout & lt& lt "Please select the sorting method you want:"
Cout & lt& lt" 1. bubble classification "
Cout & lt& lt"2. Choose a sort "
int? Choose;
CIN & gt; & gt selection;
CIN . get();
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter a number to sort:"
const? int? max _ size = 99
Charles? str[max _ size];
cin.getline(str,max _ size);
int? array[max_size],I,count
//count = strlen(str)- 1;
Count? =? strlen(str); //Use the length of the entire character array here.
int? j? =? 0; //? How many numbers were recorded?
for(i=0,j? =? 0; I < count; i++)
//? Str[i] may be a space, so judge.
What if? (str[i]? ==? '?' )
array[j]= str[I]-' 0 ';
Count? =? j;
for(I = 0; I < count; i++)
cout & lt& ltarray[i]? ;
System ("suspended");
Return? 0;