I believe some friends have heard of hand muscle atrophy, which means that due to regular exercise or lack of certain elements, such as calcium or trace element phosphorus, muscle development will have problems, leading to muscle atrophy and so on. Muscle atrophy is more common in the elderly. Can hand muscle atrophy be treated with acupuncture? Let's get to know each other.
Can hand muscle atrophy be acupuncture?
When human hand muscles atrophy, it can be adjusted by acupuncture. We know that acupuncture belongs to the category of Chinese medicine treatment, so we need to find more experienced doctors to do acupuncture for muscular atrophy, and the effect will be guaranteed. Secondly, in addition to acupuncture, patients should also strengthen exercise, massage their hands and relax their muscles on weekdays, which can slow down muscle atrophy and so on. Patients with muscular dystrophy can eat more nutritious food and keep a good mood, which is also helpful for the recovery of their illness.
Can hand muscle atrophy be acupuncture? For many people, muscular atrophy will seriously affect their personal lives if they are not treated. So when this happens, we must pay attention to it. At present, acupuncture is the main treatment for muscular atrophy, followed by massage and exercise.