Cm, properly trimmed skin graft, and soaked in gentamicin saline. Expose the hand wound, stop the bleeding completely by clamp method, suture the skin graft and the wound without tension, and bandage it with pressure. Antibiotics were used to prevent infection after operation, and stitches were removed two weeks later, that is, finger function exercise and local skin massage were carried out. All the patients in this group survived in one stage, and the deformity was corrected to the preoperative design. Moreover, the skin in the skin graft area has good elasticity, strong wear resistance and shallow pigmentation. Follow-up for 3 ~ 5 years showed that hand function recovered well and contracture did not recur.
The characteristics of this method are as follows: ① The corrected finger is not fixed with Kirschner wire to prevent the finger joint from being stiff; ② The wound is not ligated to stop bleeding, which reduces the retention of foreign bodies and increases the contact surface of skin grafting; ③ Tension-free suture skin grafting is beneficial to the growth of new capillaries and accelerates the recovery of blood supply for skin grafting; ④ Maintain the thickness of skin graft to make it wear-resistant and elastic, accelerate the recovery of hand function and prevent complications.