(3), pointer plus *, pointer plus * *, assuming a plastic pointer variable is *p, then how to determine a variable pointing to *p is naturally int * * pp;;
(4) If pp is a pointer to a pointer, that is, a double pointer, then P is a pointer, and the pointer to a pointer is naturally * * PP = &;; p;
(5), double pointer value and assignment, **pp is value, assignment is **pp=, so suppose that **pp has stored the value of k, and the value of double k is **pp*2, and then give the value to **pp = * * PP * 2, and because the arithmetic operator is greater than the pointer operator, add ().
I don't know if you really understand the meaning of the pointer or the question. The answer here can't avoid complicated narration. It is not difficult to make simple things complicated, but it is even more difficult to figure out why 1+ 1 equals 2.