Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Plastic surgery and beauty - 3 yuan plastic net weight
3 yuan plastic net weight
# Contains? " stdafx.h "

# Contains? " hfm.h "

# include & ltstring.h & gt

# include & ltmalloc.h & gt//malloc (), etc.

# include & ltstdio.h & gt

# include & ltstdlib.h & gt

# include & ltctype.h & gt

# include & lt restrictions.>

# include & ltiostream & gt

# Definition? Really? 1

# Definition? Fake? 1

# Definition? Okay? 1

# Definition? Mistakes? 1

# Definition? Not feasible? - 1

typedef? int? Status;

typedef? int? Boolean type;


/*? Optimal Binary Tree Abbreviation: Huffman Tree? */


//Huffman tree structure

; ? typedef? Structure {

Not signed? int? Weight; //weight

Not signed? int? Parents? lchild? Parent node and left and right child nodes of rchild// tree

}HTNode,? * Huffington tree;

typedef? char * * HuffmanCode

//Returns the serial number of the root node of the tree with the smallest weight among I nodes, which can be called by select ().

int? Min(HuffmanTree? t,? int? i){

int? j,? Flag;

Not signed? int? k? =? UINT _ MAX//% d-& gt; UINT_MAX? =? - 1,% u-& gt; A very large number.

For what? (j? =? 1; ? j? & lt=? Me; ? j++)

What if? (T[j]。 Weight? & lt? k? & amp& amp? T[j]。 Parents? ==? 0)

k? =? T[j]。 What about the weight? Flag? =? j; //

T[ flag] Parents? =? 1; //Mark the parent as 1 to avoid secondary search.

Return? Flag; ? //Return


Invalid? Select (HuffmanTree? t,? int? Me, int & s 1,int & amp? s2){

//Select the root node serial numbers of the two trees with the smallest weights from I nodes, and s 1 is the one with the smaller serial number.

int? j;

s 1? =? Min(T,I);

s2? =? Min(T,I);

What if? (s 1? & gt? s2){

j? =? s 1;

s 1? =? S2;

s2? =? j;



//The tree represented by //HuffmanCode decodes binary values.

Invalid? HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree? & ampHT,? Hoeffmann code & ampHC,? int*? w,? int? n){

//w stores the weight of n characters (all >;; 0), construct Huffman tree HT, and get huffman encoding HC with n characters.

int? m,? Me? s 1,? s2,? Start;

Not signed? c,? f;

char*? CD; ?

//Allocate storage space

Hefmantry? p;

What if? (n? & lt= 1)


//n characters (leaf nodes) have 2n- 1 tree nodes, so tree node m.

m? =? 2? *? n? -? 1;

HT? =? (HuffmanTree)malloc((m? +? 1)* sizeof(ht node)); //Element 0 is not used.

//This step is to initialize the leaf nodes of the Huffman tree.

For what? (p? =? HT? +? 1,? Me? =? 1; ? Me? & lt=? n; ? ++me? ++p,++w)


(*p)。 Weight? =? * w;

(*p)。 lchild? =? 0;

(*p)。 Childre? =? 0;

(*p)。 Parents? =? 0;


//This step is to initialize the non-leaf nodes of the Huffman tree.

For what? (; ? Me? & lt=? m; ? ++me? ++p){

(*p)。 Parents? =? 0;



/*? After the preparations are over? , start building Hoffman tree?


For what? (me? =? n? +? 1; ? Me? & lt=? m; ? i++)


//Select the node with parent=0 and minimum weight in HT[ 1~i- 1], and its serial numbers are S 1 and S2 respectively.

Select (HT, me? -? 1,? s 1,? S2); //Pass reference

HT[s 1]。 Parents? =? HT[s2]。 parent=? Me;

HT[i]。 lchild? =? s 1;

HT[i]。 Childre? =? S2;

HT[i]。 Weight? =? HT[s 1]。 Weight? +? HT[s2]。 Weight;



/*? Inverse huffman encoding */


//Assign N character-coded head pointer vectors, ([0] not used)

HC? =? (HuffmanCode)malloc((n? +? 1)* sizeof(char *);

cd? =? (char *)malloc(n * sizeof(char)); ? //Assign a coded workspace.

cd[n? -? 1]? =? '\0'; ? //terminator

For what? (me? =? 1; ? Me? & lt=? n; ? I++)// Traverse each node.


Start? =? n? -? 1;

For what? (c? =? Me? f? =? HT[i]。 Parents; ? f? ! =? 0; ? c? =? f,f? =? HT[f]。 Parents) {? //Traverse from each node to the root node

//Reverse coding from leaf node to root node

What if? (HT[f]。 lchild? ==? c)

cd[ - start]? =? '0';


cd[ - start]? =? ' 1';


HC[i]? =? (char*)malloc((n? -? start)* sizeof(char)); //Generate a memory to store characters.

//Allocate space for the i-th character encoding.

strcpy(HC[i],? & ampCD[start]); //Assign the strings in the cd to the cd.


Free (CD); //Release resources


//Function declaration

int? Min(HuffmanTree? t,? int? I); ? //Find the serial number with the smallest weight among I nodes and return it.

Invalid? Select (HuffmanTree? t,? int? Me? int & amp? s 1,? int & amp? S2); ? //Choose the smallest (left) from the two smallest weights to give s 1 and the right to s2.

Invalid? HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree? & ampHT,? Hoeffmann code & ampHC,? int*? w,? int? n); //huffman encoding sum decoding

int? main(){

Hefmantry? HT;

HuffmanCode? HC;

int? *w,? n,? Me;

Printf ("Please enter the weight number (>1):");

scanf_s("%d ",& ampn);

W? =? (int *)malloc(n * sizeof(int));

Printf ("Please enter %d weights (shaping) in turn: \n", n);

For what? (me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt=? n? -? 1; i++)


scanf_s("%d ",w+I);


HuffmanCoding(HT,HC,? w,? n);

For what? (me? =? 1; ? Me? & lt=? n; i++)




Return? 0;
