1. Cutting and shaping of raw materials. Every year before and after the cold dew season, strong vegetable cattle are slaughtered, and each part of the meat is cut according to the natural distribution of the muscles. Each piece is preferably 2 to 10 kilograms. After the muscles are split, they are shaped and processed, and the uneven edges of the meat are removed and marinated.
2. Pickle. Mainly use salt for marinating, preferably rock salt and well salt. When marinating, first spread the cut and shaped beef in a ventilated place to cool it thoroughly, then rub the cooled beef for a minute or two to soften the meat. Add salt, knead it, and sprinkle salt again. Repeat three or four times, put it flatly into the jar, stack it layer by layer, press it tightly, sprinkle salt again, seal it with multiple layers of paper, and marinate for about 20 days before it can be taken out of the jar.
3. Drying. Drain the salt water from the meat out of the vat, put it on a rope to dry for 2 days, then place the meat flat on a wooden board, pressurize it to squeeze out the water, and then dry it until the meat surface is dry and hard, and the beef jerky is completed.