take for example
Import XLR Drom XLRD Import XLDate _ As _ Tuple Import Datetime' XLRD cell data type numbers is always output as floating point type, date is output as decimal string, and Boolean type output is 0 or 1, so we must make a judgment in the program and convert it into the data type we want, 0 is empty. 1 string, 2 number, 3 date, 4 Boolean, 5 error''' class Excel data (): # initialization method def __init__(self, data_path, Sheetname): # Define the path of attribute receiving file self.data_path = data_path # Define the name of attribute receiving worksheet self.sheetname = sheetname # Use xlrd module to open an Excel table to read data self. data = xlrd. Open _ workbook (self. data _ path) # Get the worksheet content according to the worksheet name (mode ①) self. Table = self. Data. Sheet name (self. Sheet name) # Get the contents of the worksheet according to the index of the worksheet (mode ②) # self.table = self.data.sheet _ by _ name (0) # Get all the contents of the first row. If 1 in parentheses is the second line, it is similar to a list index: self. Key = self. Table. Row _ values (0) # Get the effective number of rows in the worksheet: self.rowNum = self.table.nrows # Get the effective number of columns in the worksheet self.colNum = self.table.ncols # Define the method of reading excel tables; Def readExcel(self): # Define an empty list data = []. For i in range( 1, Self.rowNum): # Define an empty dictionary sheet _ data = {} for j in range (self). Colnum): # Get the cell data type c _ type = self.table.cell (I, j). Ctype # gets cell data c_cell = self.table.cell_value(i, j) If c _ type = = 2, c _ cell% 1 = = 0: # If it is plastic, c_cell = int(c_cell). Elif c_type == 3: # Convert to date and time object Date = date and time. datetime(* XL date _ as _ tuple(c _ cell, 0))c _ cell = date . strftime(' % Y/% d/% M % H:% M:% S ')elif c _ type = = 4:c _ cell = True if c _ cell = = 1 Else false sheet _ data [self. keys [j]] = c _ cell # Loop through each valid cell and store the fields and values in the dictionary # The key of the dictionary is the field # sheet _ data [self]. keys [j]] = self。 Table. Row _ values (i) [j] # is located in the first row of each column in the excel table. Then the dictionary is appended to the list data. Append (sheet _ data) # returns data obtained from excel: returns data if _ _ name _ = "_ _ main _ _": data _ path = "TTT. Xlsx "sheet name =" sheet1"get _ data = Excel in the form of list dictionary. ata(data_path,sheet name)datas = get _ data . read excel()print(datas)