1996 Korean petals
CD 1:/v _ show/id _ xmte 2 mji 5 ndmy . html
CD2:/v _ show/id _ xmte 2 mji 5 nti 4 . html
1998 Korean "Shen Xiang"
be out of print
1998 Maria Hotel Korea
1998 "An Unexpected Day" in Korea
CD 1:/v _ show/id _ xmjqzotm 2 mdq =。 Hypertext markup language
CD2:/v_show/id_XMjQzOTM3NTY=。 Hypertext markup language
Unknown legend of Korean desire
be out of print
Harpy, North Korea in 2000/Lessons from Death
:ftp://download@www.leejunghyun.net:8027/ movies and TV series/Lessons from Death. rar
20 1 1 Korea's "wave"
The last one is Baidu, and there are many others.