Actually, not all orthodontics require tooth extraction, as there are circumstances. Secondly, why do some corrections require tooth extraction? Tooth extraction is a very common phenomenon in orthodontics, but not everyone needs tooth extraction for dental correction. Crowded teeth can also be corrected through non-extraction methods, such as interproximal enamel removal, which in layman's terms means widening the gap between the two teeth to make space for aligning the teeth; it can also be done by pushing the large teeth back. The way to align the front teeth depends on the specific situation. Of course, severe crowding still requires tooth extraction to achieve better correction results. Currently, tooth extraction correction technology is very mature, so there is no need to worry too much. Correction often requires three films for early diagnosis: curved cross-section, lateral head positioning, and frontal head positioning. Indications for tooth extraction: 1. Supernumerary teeth, impacted teeth that cannot be pulled out, wisdom teeth that cause crowding in the posterior teeth, etc. The crowding of the teeth is greater than 2 degrees, and the corresponding space cannot be obtained by other means. If the teeth are crowded, the space can be obtained by other means. The bone and facial shape should be considered to determine whether tooth extraction is needed, bimaxillary protrusion, and the soft tissue curve from the side view. There is an obvious protrusion (the vertices of the upper and lower lips are far in front of the E line). Measured from the lateral cranial radiograph (Peking University analysis method, couben analysis method), the protrusion of both jaws needs to be corrected by tooth extraction. The upper and lower hands in the area are There is really no conclusion on whether to extract front teeth for orthodontic treatment. It depends on the patient and the doctor. In other words, not every patient needs or does not need to have his or her teeth corrected, and the same patient may get different answers when he goes to different doctors for correction. The details will depend on the doctor.