And another decisive source of her sense of exquisiteness is her nose. If the change of cheekbones can only be expressed in words, then the nose is Gao Yuanyuan's greatest magic weapon. There are many actresses with big eyes like Gao Yuanyuan in the entertainment circle, but few have such delicate noses.
Her nose is very high and she is rarely thin. Her nose is pointed and upturned. It is not particularly narrow but very small. Another decisive source of her delicate feelings is her nose. If the change of cheekbones can only be expressed in words, then the nose is Gao Yuanyuan's greatest magic weapon. There are many actresses with big eyes like Gao Yuanyuan in the entertainment circle, but few have such delicate noses. Her nose is very high and she is rarely thin. Her nose is pointed and upturned. It is not particularly narrow but very small.