+:Add two numbers, add two numbers, or connect strings.
-:Subtract two numbers
*: Multiplies two numbers or returns a string that is repeated many times.
/:When two numbers are divided, the result is a floating-point number.
%: take the modulus and return the remainder of the division of two numbers.
//:Divide two numbers and return the integer part of the quotient.
* *: Power runs and returns the result of power.
Relational operator |
= =: Compare whether the objects are equal.
! =: Compare whether the objects are unequal.
& gt: greater than, for example, a>B will compare the sizes of A and B, A >;; B returns true, otherwise it returns false.
& lt: less than, for example
& gt=: greater than or equal to, for example, a & gt=b, the sizes of A and B will be compared, A >;; =b returns True, otherwise it returns False.
& lt=: For example, less than or equal to.
| Assignment operator |
=: General assignment operator, which assigns the operation result to the variable.
+=: addition assignment operator, for example, a+=b is equivalent to A = A+B.
-=: subtraction assignment operator, for example, a-=b is equivalent to a = a-b.
* =: Multiplication assignment operator, for example, a*=b is equivalent to A = A * B.
/=: division assignment operator, for example, a/=b is equivalent to A = A/B.
//=: divisible assignment operator, for example, a//=b is equivalent to A = A//B/B.
% =: modular assignment operator, for example, a%=b is equivalent to a = a% b.
* * =: Power operation assignment operator, for example, a**=b is equivalent to A = A * B.
Logical operator |
And: and operation, if A is False, A and B return False, otherwise, the calculated value of Y is returned.
Or: OR operation, if a is not 0, the value of a is returned, otherwise the value of b is returned.
Not: not operation, if a is True, it returns False, if a is false, it returns true.
| Member Operator |
In: Returns True if the value is found in the specified sequence, otherwise returns False.
Not in: Returns True if a value is found in the specified sequence, otherwise returns False.
| Identity Operator |
Is: Determine whether two identifiers refer to the same object.
Is not: Determines whether two identifiers refer to different objects.